The Present

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Samuel's POV
It's July 14th, 2020 as I wake up, remembering I can only see through one eye.. Natsuki one night in a pit of rage due to you not getting a present on her birthday for being broke.. you got fired from your job and was mad, she grabbed you and through you to the sink, she grabbed a knife and held it towards your eye... I was begging as tears of water soon looked like blood.. as she drove the knife into my eye.. I could feel the knife twisting and turning.. I soon passed out and found myself on the kitchen floor, she had left me there.. After what happened I covered my eye with a bandage patch. After that I ran out of the house, running to the police station.. I had enough.. I couldn't take it anymore, being away from her felt so nice as the cold air was blowing at my face... Being free, I made it to the station and explained my story to the cops, they looked at me as if I was insane.. I showed them my eye and took a little more seriousness in me as they tracked Natsuki down and took her to the station, as I saw her she looked at me with the most scariest face I have ever seen, it made my spine shiver... as she sat down in a investigation room, a hour later she cane out looking sad as she ran up to me and hugged me tightly
"I'm so sorry Sammy-Pie!!!"
She hasn't said that in a year.. she stopped saying my name after she started to make my life hell... as she let go of me the police officers let her go as she had said something that made them believe her.. I honestly thought she had changed! Like she would love me again! But... as we both entered the house, I hugged her tightly.
"I missed you so much!! I-I tho—"
I was interrupted with a slash at my cheek as Natsuki pulled out a pocket nice, slowly coming towards me as I cried slightly, holding my cheek and backing up.
"How the FUCK DARE YOU?! I knew I should've went and made MC mine! Your just a useless boy who doesn't do anything right!"
She said as she runs towards me. I stand there in fear as I shake.. my legs shivering.
"N-Nats.. I-I—"
I was interrupted again
"SORRY?! I'll fucking make you sorry!!!"
She gripped my hair and pushed me down the basement stairs.. my left arm dislocated as I scream in pain... struggling to get back up
"Only MC gets to call me that..."
All I heard was a slam and a door being locked.. She locked me in the basement!!! I tried getting up! But.. realized my ankle was dislocated at yell... I laid there.. tears coming straight down my cheeks... slowly falling asleep singing a tone that we used to sing together when she really loved me...
"🎶 You'll always be in my... Heaarrt... 🎶"

"Wake up..."

"Wake up..!"

"WAKE UP!!!"
I felt a kick in my gut as I vomited... Natsuki looking down at me as she's disgusted
"Just get the fuck up your mistake"
I get on my knees.. struggling, as I get to my feet, I feel a something wrap around my neck.. it was a collar.. with some little thing on the inside poking my throat?
"I messed with it which was a bad idea as I feel to my knees, screaming at I feel my body being electrocuted... I gasp as it stopped
"This is to fucking make sure you don't escape you bastard"
She spits on my face as I'm left there once again.. I wish I could go home... tell my parents what's going on... but I can't.. Il always be here to be fucked up... I wish I can escape...
"I-I love you..."
I somehow whimper out as my throat feels broken... She looks back down at me as she looks down the stairs
"...Love ya too"
She says as she slams the door.

"I remember it all.."
I whisper out as I look behind me and see Natsuki's naked sleeping body, she warmed up to me a little, we just had some fun as she rolls over, her eyes slowly opening
"H-Honey Bun? C-Come back to bed.."
She pated where I was laying
"And maybe we can make that 8 in a row~"
She said as I blushed
I said as she shakes her head
"Babe.. you have no fucking idea how my pussy looks right now.. you have a small cute body.. but holy shit..."
She says again as I blush.. getting up
"I'm... gonna get some water.."
I say as I stand
"Alrighty.. hurry back~"
I nod as I give her a deep and long kiss, she smiles brightly, blushing deep.
"I love you~"

"I love you too..~"

God I love her...

My Abusive Girlfriend: Natsuki Where stories live. Discover now