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The old-fashioned house was ruined, looked like a thunderstorm was there — freezing and dark, a weird smell of rot and mud, which scared Bernadette by the minute. She sighed heavily doing one more step in the darkness and felt something cold and big, so sat down and tried to touch, but still didn't see anything here. She had found a phone in her back pocket and turned on the light, thus got shocked and almost dropped the device on the dead body, covered in blood, the girl couldn't see the face of a person even with a light, it was a hued dark point instead of eyes, nose, mouth. Hands just started to shake, green eyes were full of tears, the brunette felt so panic and loneliness, hence she wasn't able to breathe. Bernadette squeezed her jaw, turned in another direction, and kept going further in the dark long hallway, trying to hear every noise and sound — Esposito hadn't even know where she was and where were others, but common sense prompted her that it was just a dream and now she is with Damiano in their "new" bed.

Nevertheless, he was here too, Bernadette came in seems like a living room, and noticed him sitting on a couch and playing with his fingers — David was worried too. An old wooden board on the floor creaked when the brunette stood on it, thereby giving away the location.

"What are you doing here?" he asked rushing to Esposito, "I told you to leave" shouted Damiano shaking her shoulders thus scaring her more and more.

"Where are we?" she said strangled, it seemed that Bernadette would cry at any moment. She felt so lost.

"Leave!" Damiano frowned heavily and took a few steps back. Bernadette raised her hands to touch him, but he looked scared and anxiously. Something frightened him so much, or somebody.

"Sweetheart," the girl made one step but didn't catch.

A huge gold chandelier was unstable over David, it directly below shook several times before fell on Italian at all — the girl closed her mouth by hands to hold the scream of spiritual pain, and at this moment brunette woke up. I didn't realize what was happening

Everything was the same: opened window with a little sea wind, bookshelves, Damiano, he was sleeping here, in their bad, he looked so calm and peaceful. That terrible situation was just a dream, nothing happened, everybody is alive and safe. Her breathing was heavy and difficult, Bernadette had dreadful shortness of breath, she tried to move but couldn't. At the same time, she noticed somebody staying at an angle of the room, somebody very dark and weird. This creature was nearing with an awful smile of bad intentions. It was an old lady whom Bernadette hadn't seen before, she was in a black shawl. The brunette started crying, she felt cold tears on her skin, but still couldn't do anything until that woman touched Esposito's necklace.

Bernadette sat rapidly on their bed, now she wasn't sleeping and could move, it was early morning, sunbeams played on the girl's face. The brunette raised her palm to temples to keep breathing it wasn't the first time she had sleep paralysis, but it was the first time of false awakening, its were so real, so real that scared her to death. Bernadette knew she wouldn't sleep anymore today; hence, she got up and went to a small bathroom with an old tub, which needed a good cleaning, a mirror, and a toilet. 

Breakfast was made in 30 minutes, the girl left it on the stove in a pan and decided to read a book, drinking coffee. But Bernadette couldn't concentrate on the plot, because always get distracted by sleeping Damiano, here and in a dream he was still calm, as if nothing happened, neither their leaving nor the fact that they have only each other, nobody else. Louis promised to help David but Esposito didn't trust him, she knew he was a drug dealer and something worse and was scared that her boyfriend could connect with illegal staff. Now the brunette started to think about how reckless she did, nevertheless, this kind of life much better than the previous one. Bernadette would never regret freedom. And love to Damiano. The guy woke up very soon and noticed Esposito, but she was in her thoughts, looked eyes at one point, and banged on a cup, which she held between her fingers. It was the only cup they had in this house, from previous owners. Later the brunette saw David's view of her.

𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘚𝘐𝘕 / 𝘋𝘈𝘔𝘐𝘈𝘕𝘖 𝘋𝘈𝘝𝘐𝘋Where stories live. Discover now