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Ever Since New York — Harry Styles

Damiano was driving in the silent, only car engine broke these obsessive thoughts, he bit his lower lip nervously. David didn't know exactly what tormented him so hard — he didn't lie to Bernadette almost, but the fact, that she left everything because of him and was looking for stability, which he couldn't give her. He took a puff of a cigarette and squeezed a wheel harder, looking at the rippling sea in the distance, so unstable, just like his relationship with Dette, they left and they are all they have right now,

David raised his hazel eyes on the car's visor, which protected him from sun rays, despite the fact he was in sunglasses, there was their joint photo with Bernadette, it was made after a month of their chaotic relationship, they were smiling, looking into a camera, Damiano hugged her from behind, she was holding a phone on outstretched arms, this car was on the background. For David, the girl was the one he could care about and that impulsive decision to leave he took seriously, Dami knew in which atmosphere Esposito was living, knew about friends' betrayals, about endless quarrels with her father and tears, which she tries to hide in all possible ways, usually in a bathroom, where the sound of drops hitting the tiles drowned out the sobbing. He was dreaming to take her pain, if only the girl would be happy, here in the photo the guy wanted to stop the moment of carelessness and love to leave it forever in his heart. 

Damiano was standing near Esposito's artsy mansion with a huge territory, most of the garden witch growing flowers and trees, with a long and wide track, leading to the main entrance of the two-story building in the style of the 20th century, with sharp peaks on the roof. that was the reason why Bernadette associated him with the princess, she seemed to be imprisoned in this castle and need to leave via tree, grown under her window " Her soul glowed, and the fire died away again in solitude; she struggled like a bird in a cage, and cage there was none; no one oppressed her, no one restrained her, while she was torn, and fretted within" Leaning on the hood of his old cabriolet, he relaxed waiting for Bernadette, having smoked a few cigarettes before that, but he couldn't even suspect that her father would return earlier than planned. The guy tensed when a black car stopped in front of the gate and a solid man in a suit, shirt, with a stomach characteristic of sedentary work, got out of it and walked slowly towards David. The dark-haired man wanted to make a good first impression on his girlfriend's father, but from the interlocutor's eyes, he realized that he was out of sorts. His father never approved of him.

"Damiano David," the man said after a little pause, rolling a toothpick in your teeth, on that the guy just nodded, frowning eyebrows. Bernadette's father was a good businessman, nevertheless didn't have any skill of diplomacy, for getting desired he usually used torture, about which there were rumors in local street gangs. The guy knew that he signs a death warrant for himself, dating his daughter, but didn't even think to retreat.

"Signor Esposito," the man took off his sunglasses, taking out a toothpick and licking his lips, he deliberately slowly performed all the movements, as if languishing Damiano, trying to intimidate with his calmness, but David was not an ordinary vagabond, he knew all these tricks and was not afraid 

"You're looking after my daughter, aren't you?" he asked, looking straight into the eyes.

"Yes, sir," the young man answered politely and meekly, straightening his back, which made him even taller than his interlocutor.

"I hope you understand" the man raised his eyebrows with a threatening expression, "what the consequences will be"

"I beg your pardon" Damiano bit his lip.

"Can you really endure her character? Can you give her everything she deserves? Will you accompany her pride?" he threw the toothpick on the asphalt next to his expensive boots "So break up now and don't give a fuck about everyone."

𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘚𝘐𝘕 / 𝘋𝘈𝘔𝘐𝘈𝘕𝘖 𝘋𝘈𝘝𝘐𝘋Where stories live. Discover now