Part 11

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"Stay close." Onyx continued to trudge through the swampy planet with Blue Diamond's terraform team in tow.

The Jasper was grumpily following at the back when a thundering growl shakes the ground, almost knocking her off balance.

"Get ready." Lapis shrinks behind her escorts. On a nearby ridge, a cat-like creature towers over the group.

"One thing made that noise?" The Amethyst tilts her head. Suddenly, eyes appear from nearby trees, each having the same cat-like look.

Neither party makes a move, each sizing the other up. "The Lapis is the number one priority. We don't leave her side." Onyx clutches his scythe tighter.

"On 1." The cats grit their teeth. "3." The larger cat paces. "2." The Amethyst and Jasper prepare their ax and mace, respectively.

"1!" Onyx leaps toward the larger cat, slicing at it before kicking off the ridge and back down to the group.

"That pissed em' off!" He shouts over the loud growls. Lapis yelps as she sidesteps a claw and knocked the cat back with a water fist.

The three larger gems continue to fend off the cats as Onyx jumps above the group to fight the leader.

The cat gets a hold of Onyx's scythe as the two wrestles for control over the weapon. Kicking the cat in the snout it recoils.

Finishing it with one last strike, he jumps back toward the group. The cats begin to back off, seeing their leader on the ground.

"You better run!" The Jasper shouts as the cats dart further into the swamp. "You alright?" Onyx reaches an arm down to help Lapis back up.

"Yeah... thanks." She averts her gaze. "We'd better get moving. I don't want to be fighting those things in the dark." The group continues toward their destination.


Steven digs through behind the couch and pulls from it a green box. "Special delivery!" He shouts and presents the gift to Peridot.

"Oh. Wow. Thanks." Peridot rips into the box and pulls a black screen out. "It's a rectangle." She deadpans.

"And a tablet!" Steven corrects. "My dad bought it but decided he didn't need it. Something about over-saturation of the media being a plague to one's mind, so I thought you might like it. Here."

Steven begins to swipe back and forth on it. Peridot's eyes turn to stars. "You can use your fingers to work it."

"Like my old finger screens! Look Onyx!" Peridot runs over to Onyx, almost tripping. She holds the screen up to him.

"Looks nice. That was very thoughtful of you." Steven gives a cheesy smile. "Now you have the worldwide web to hang out on!"

Peridot snorts. "Worldwide? Ha! I had the ability to search and retrieve data from across multiple star systems."

"Impressive. But I can do you one better: TubeTube." Steven clicks an app on the tablet and a video of a cat plays.

Peridot stares at the screen dumbfounded. "Why was this documented?" Onyx steps behind her to see the screen.

Steven continues to explain. "You can log your thoughts on the internet, too. You just have to keep it under 140 characters." 

"That's so many people!" Peridot shouts. "I can make you an account so you can start logging in as soon as you want." Steven grabs the tablet as Peridot chuckles in anticipation.

"This is great! Right, Onyx?" Onyx nods and Steven passes the tablet back to her.

She grabs it and stops for a moment. "I really, really like this, but it's a shame it doesn't come attached to your body. Oh, wait!" Peridot rushes to Steven's closet.

"Steven? Do you know where I could find Garnet?" Steven thinks a moment before answering. 

"Oh! She said," Steven begins to imitate Garnet "Tell him, go where I and he first met." Steven chuckles a little.

Onyx thanks Steven before walking to the door. "I'll be back in a few hours Peridot." Peridot continues to dig through the closet.

Chuckling, Onyx begins to walk down the beachside, further from town. Onyx began to hum to himself as he slowly walked. 

Eventually, he saw Garnet in the same grassy area he had punched her, repeatedly, before.

 Garnet asked as she sat down. "You remembered." "Yeah. I let out my frustration on you here. Sorry about that."

"Don't be. In fact, that's what we're going to do here." Onyx raises an eyebrow. "We're going to fight?"

Garnet stands and summons her gauntlets. "I've been thinking... You've been keeping all those emotions inside." Garnet dashes toward Onyx punching him in the gut.

Pushing off of her into a backflip Onyx coughs a little. "That was a cheap shot." Summoning his scythe, he readies himself.

Garnet smirks. "And yet you let it hit you. Maybe fighting is what you need to bring it out." Onyx thinks for a moment.

Smirking, he twirls his scythe. "You're on." Onyx charges Garnet with less than lethal intentions, striking her with the end of his scythe.

He spins the scythe to the other side of his body and attempts to swipe at Garnet. Garnet bats the scythe out of Onyx's hands, landing far off in the field.

The scythe dissipates shortly after and reappears in Onyx's hands. "Guess I'll have to get serious." Two scythes appear in Onyx's hands.

Projecting from his gem, an identical copy of himself takes the other scythe. "Impressive." Garnet smiles.

The two charge in unison, flanking Garnet from both sides. Garnet manages to bat one away before the other pull their scythe to her neck.

"Alright, alright. You got me." Garnet chuckles. Onyx pulls the scythe away and dissipates it.

"So are we ready to try fusing?" Onyx asks. "Yes. Remember, for fusion to work, you have to open yourself up."

Taking a deep breath Onyx nods. Onyx dances toward Garnet, feeling a lot more comfortable than before.

As they approach, Onyx turns around and falls backward into Garnet's arms. A large ball of light emanates from them as the fusion begins to take form.

A large fist hits the ground as the light begins to dim. Stretching the large figure opens its eyes. 

Looking at its four hands it smiles slightly. "I-I... What am I?" The giant begins to walk up the nearby hill, overlooking Beach City.

"The city really is beautiful at dusk." After what felt like hours of just staring at the city the fusion stands.

"We... I should go show the gems." Not taking more than a minute with their rather large stature, the fusion made its way toward the temple.

After shaking the ground the three other Crystal Gems rush out of the temple. "Fusion!" Steven shouts and runs toward it. Pearl shouts "Steven wait!"

The fusion drops one of its hands for Steven to step onto. "Hi, new fusion!" Steven waves. "Hello, Steven." The fusion chuckles.

"What's your name?" Steven asks with stars in his eyes. "Hmm... Pyrite." Pyrite pauses a moment and looks past Steven to the other gems.

Pearl looks visibly distressed with Amethyst smiling. "Guess we better unfuse." A large ball of light engulfs the fusion for a moment. 

Afterward, both Garnet and Onyx emerge, with the former holding Steven by the shirt.

"Thank you for the lesson Garnet." Garnet simply gives a thumbs-up.

'Guess that proves you wrong.' Onyx looks to see an older version of himself leaned against a rock.

The image slowly disappears, with Onyx smirking. 'Emotion doesn't have to be weakness.' 


Big thanks to @purplebowlofdeath for the name of Garnet and Onyx's fusion. Hope you guys enjoyed it! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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