Bitter Flirt

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-Your name is Italian, but... you don't look Italian. - He says a little suspicious. - Lei parla italiano? (Do you speak Italian, miss?) - He asks already prepared to call the security. Johnny stops breathing for a moment. You fake laugh.

-Certo che parlo italiano! (Of course I speak Italian.) - You say and Johnny looks at you fast. - I miei genitori sono italiani. (My parents are Italians.) - You say smiling.

-Oh! Mi scusi. Pensavo che non parlasse italiano. (I'm sorry. I thought you didn't speak Italian). - The worker says a little embarrassed. He was sure you were not the person in the card.

-Ma che dici? Hahaha (What are you saying?) - You fake laugh and Johnny too.

-Please, you can go to the party now. Sorry for the delay. - He says and you two get in. Johnny gets closer to you.

-That's was close. So, you speak Italian now? – He asks you. You chuckle.

-I speak 7 languages. – You say. "Wow. This woman..." He thinks grinning. - And try to not be so obviously impressed like that. You looked at me so fast that we were almost discovered. - You say hitting him slightly on the arm. Johnny chuckles smiling.

-Hey, friends! Why did you take so long? – Dylan says as you get close to them.

-I don't know haha. They were checking the cards so much. – Johnny says not giving many details.

-I see. – Kate says. – Well, let's have fun then. – She says walking with Dylan. You and Johnny follow them a little behind.

-Agents? - Johnny calls them like he always does.

-We are here. - Evelyn answers.

-We have just got in. We are going to start to talk to them. I want you to tell everything to me about them. - Johnny says in a way that it don't look like he is talking to someone. The team agrees.

-Okay. Alex has the names of all the guests. - Evelyn says.

-Okay, let's start the game. - Alex says stretching his hands. He is looking at a monitor that shows all the saloon. He has access to the cameras too. - The Millers are talking to the investors of the stock exchange. Talk to them a bit too. They can be our target. - He says and you two get closer to them smiling.

-Hi, Amanda! How are you doing? - Kate gets closer and greets them. - I want you to meet my new friend Y/n! - She says and you reach her and give her a kiss on the cheek.

-Nice to meet you, Y/n. - Amanda says.

-Nice to meet you too. It's my first time here. It looks like everyone already comes here often. Or am I wrong? - You ask.

-Oh, is my first time too. Haha. - She says and the team is already taking notes.

-Y/n, I have to greet that couple. Keep talking, you 4. I'll be back. - Kate says dragging Dylan. You stay there looking at Amanda. You decide to start the conversation.

-There are so many important people here, right? Do you know all of them? - You ask taking a drink from a waiter.

-Oh, no. Me and Kris are just entering in this famous world. You know, stock exchange gives a lot of money if you know how to do it. I think we are in the right way. - She says and you nod. She looks a little drunk, but it is even better if you want to investigate them. - This is Kris, my best friend. - She says and Kris takes your hand and kisses it.

-Nice to meet you, Kris. - You say.

-And that elegant man right here? What's your name? - Amanda says looking at Johnny.

-My name is Johnny. Nice to meet you. - He says.

-Oh... Johnny... How come I never saw you before? I surely would have remembered of you. - She says checking him out. You make a confused face. Is she flirting with Johnny even though you are there with him?

-I guess we haven't seen each other yet. - Johnny says trying to convince her and not giving so much information about himself.

-Well, if you wanted to, we could meet more. - She says rolling the drink on her glass. You chuckle. ''Wow. She is really doing that in front of me. Does she not know we are together?'' You think. She is practically throwing herself at Johnny.

-It's a great idea, Amanda. We could hang out together. How long are you staying here? - You say trying to get more information of her and, at the same time, trying to not punch her in the face.

-Uhm... I'll be here just until the weekend. If I knew I would meet you, I would have stayed longer. I just came for business, you know. - She says drinking more.

-Oh, really? What kind of business? - Johnny asks. She giggles.

-You know, it's a secret. - She says putting her finger in front of her mouth.

-I love secrets. Why don't you tell me? - Johnny says with a smirk on his face. He is flirting back.

-Great, Johnny! Keep that! - Alex says while typing on his keyboard. You roll your eyes and cross your arms.

-Uhm... I don't know if I can. What will you do for me if I tell you? - She gets closer to Johnny smiling. She is losing her balance. Clearly, she is not at her normal state. She is drunk. Johnny giggles.

-Uhm... I don't know... If you tell me I can think of something veeery good. - He says smiling and putting his hands on her waist. You sigh. You don't know why, but seeing him flirting with her like this is pissing you off.

-I'll be back. - You say and walk away. Johnny looks at your figure going away, but before he could say anything, you are not there anymore.

-Y/n, where are you going? - Evelyn asks you through the communicator.

-Johnny is already investigating her. I'm gonna talk with another person. - You say not wanting them to know that you don't want to hear that conversation. - Alex, where are the resort owners? - You ask.

-In a table next to the bar. - He says. 

-Okay. I'm going there. - You say walking towards them. - What is their surname?

-Johnson. - Carl says. You get to the bar and spot a table with several people. They are drinking a lot and they look very rich. They have security guards around them too. You ask for a drink and sit on the chair. ''How can I get to sit there...?'' You think.

-Alex, do the Johnsons have a son? - You ask.

-Uhm... Let me see. - Alex types on his keyboard. - Yes, they do. Matthew Johnson.

-Is he sitting with them? How old is he? - You ask looking around to look more natural. You see that Johnny is still talking with Amanda. You roll your eyes.

-Yes. He is there. - Alex says. - He is 21. - You grin.

-Perfect. - You say and calls the bartender. You whisper on his ear pointing at the table. He nods and walks away. A few seconds later, he goes to that table with a cocktail. He takes it to the boy and points at you.

-That lady sent it to you, sir. - The waiter says. You look at him and raise your cup, meaning that you really sent it to him. He smirks and stands up walking towards you.

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