CHAPTER 11 ✑ Airborne Part 2

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⊰᯽⊱┈─╌♚ ♕ ♚╌─┈⊰᯽⊱

At the top of their airship, Selenya, with brute force, had only been able tear parts of stuck ripped cloth of the wing, which had significantly tired her arms out. She removed some of the cogwheels to expedite the process. And when she pulled out a large strip, along with its contorted metal pole, her faith in repairing it started fading. She kept digging, ripping out, unscrewing and re-screwing the gears, but the deeper she got the clearer the damage became.

Not just the cloth, but the wing in its entirety, fabric and skeleton alike, were chewed and mutilated by the rolling mechanism. Her heart throbbed as she exchanged a nervous look with Jun. She climbed the ladder, crawled on the roof and layed down on her stomach, in order to have a better view.

Nothing. There was nothing more she could do. The wing was smashed like minced meat. In audition, the rear engines were probably overheating by the exertion to keep the ship in the air. At this rate, regardless of Yoon's piloting skills, they could fly for a few more miles and then inevitably crash.

Royal agents from the top approaching airship, were sitting on the sill of the open hatch, ready to jump aboard them.

Selenya slammed her fist in utter frustration. She gazed at Jun who had been staring at the left enemy airship this whole time. The girl shifted her eyes on it as well. Then they looked at each other, both pondering on the same thing.

I know what you're thinking, Jun, she thought inside of her, but don't you dare.

She shook her head and reached for his arm. Despite the wind forcing him to curl his expression, his eyes radiated with his typical adamant stubbornness...


He held himself with one hand and hung prehensile from the ladder.

Jun, no.

"JUN NO!!!" her scream was wiped away by the gushing wind.

Her heart stopped. Time slowed before her eyes. The boy thrusted himself with his legs and soared in the air, flailing, with nothing under his tiny figure but an immense distance between him and the forest. A loud thud sounded from within the uproar. Jun had landed on the roof of the left airship.

Aghast, Selenya goggled while the boy, with an agile reversal flip, swang down and collided with the heels of his boots on the chest of one the agents. The man was propelled back, onto another agent, who also fell on his colleagues creating a domino effect. Jun jumped up and with a three hundred and sixty degree kick, cracked the jaw of an opponent with fatal precision. Behind Jun's back, an agent seized him. Another man got onto his feet and reached for the hilt of his sword. Jun lunged a frontal kick, shoving the half unsheathed blade back inside its scabbard and headbutted the man that immobilized him. Stunned, he loosened the grip. The boy jabbed on his flanks with his elbow, which released him entirely. The agent grunted by the pain and bend his torso, spitting blood. Finally free again, with a high kick, Jun knocked out the sworded man. And while his body was half way from hitting the floor, the boy grabbed the hilt of the blade and unsheathed it simultaneously as the body collapsed. He spinned the sword in reverse and stabbed the bent agent. Spinned the blade once more, unarmed an opponent, kicked him out of the airship and locked swords with the last standing agent at the same time.

Selenya saw the wailing man plummeting from the edge of the frame of the door. He glided in the air, his figure shrinking as he plunged, swallowed by the thick mass of the trees.

The top airship was dangerously close. The men were already stretching their arms to grab Selenya. She slipped and climbed down the ladder. While the left airship was almost defeated by Jun's unrelenting combat abilities, she knocked on the door, attracting Hosea's attention.


The rest of the brothers were busy with their own conflict, endeavoring to keep Jones and his agents out of the opposite door.

Hosea nodded and handed his pistol to Selenya though the window. Then he passed on the message to Yoon and he joined his brothers pushing on the door.

"Hosea!!! Throw that magic marble-thing!!!" cried Jinghim pulling on the muzzle of an enemy rifle.

"I can't!!! The explosion will distroy everything around it! We'd all die!!!" he replied as he pressed his hands on the door, "Besides, Selenya said to prepare to board the left airship!"

"What?!" exclaimed Taehberius and Jihmm.

"She said she can't fix the damaged wing!"

The boys grimaced by the effort, but eventually agreed and abandoned the fight against the door. Yoon joined them and opened the left door. The wind tousled their hair as they watched Jun slicing the last opponent, threatening the pilot to keep the ship steady and throwing out the unconscious bodies like sack of potatoes.

"COME ON JUMP!!!" he urged them with a gesture.

A dull combustion blasted, signaling the left engine going up in flames, forcing Jone's ship to retreat. Selenya gripped on the ladder, loaded the pistol and fired a warning shot on the windshield window of the top enemy aircraft. The glass shuttered and the pilot steered clear. She then put the gun in her belt and jumped on the left ship, climbed down and joined Jun helping the rest boarding the ship.

A metallic bang emerged from under them. The military craft convulsed violently, flattening down Jinghim, who was left last behind. Branches of trees penetrated the cabin, cracking and flushing a tornado of leaves.

They were so busy fighting that they failed to notice that they were flying too low, as to touch the tip of the trees. The other four remaining enemy airships maneuvered towards the sky, barely avoiding the forest.

"JINGHIM JUMP! QUICK, WE'LL CATCH YOU!!!" impelled Jihmm and stretched his arms out.

The terrain of the forest, covered in dark moss and fallen autumn foliage, appeared under the tall trees. The prince leaped in his brothers' embrace Just a few meters away before Namjuniel's airship collided with a large trunk. The fury of the explosion torched all the surroundings.

Yoon punched the pilot and with Jun's and Selenya's aid, they threw him out. The young captain sat on the pilot sit, fastened his sit belts and pushed the lever upwards next to the steering wheel. The aerodynamic craft of the royal secret services, whining and rumbling powerfully, with both wings perfectly functional and responsive, catapulted itself in the air, away from the trees.

"I need a co-pilot!!!" ordered Yoon while they all lost their balance by the launching force of the engines, "Jihmm get your arse on the chair!!!"

The boy obeyed. Tied the seat belts around his torso and took command of the ship's artillery.

"Rest of you sit down and hold on!!!"

⊰᯽⊱┈─╌♚ ♕ ♚╌─┈⊰᯽⊱

⊰🎩⊱ Author's Note ⊰🎩⊱

3 chapters for this crazy part.

I honestly never expected it!

Kindly leave a star 🌟 and a comment 💬 if you're already tired of this shit 😆!


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