CHAPTER 18 ➣ The Plague

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Just like doctor Woo predicted, Y/N and Taehyung slept for over ten hours. Their senses had shut down, almost as if dead. Y/N jumped in her sleep several times, her mind making sure she was still alive. Nightmares afflicted her rest. Dreams of people, dark streets, and torrential rain. Impossible to define the meaning behind those mixed images.

That morning was cutthroat cold. A sign that snow would fall soon. Y/N thought of snow as a playground for her and the seven brothers for the perfect brutal snow fight. Especially with Jungkook, always eager to triumph over his older brothers.

Now, the prospect of snow seemed bleak and uncomfortable.

Taehyung was waiting for her outside her door, reading his small diary.

"Good morning," he said with a yawn, "How'd you sleep?"

"As good as it gets. You?"

He leaned in for a kiss, deeper than she had expected. Not that she complained.

"Are you alright?" She wondered, after a small pause, so close to his handsome face.

"We'll be wearing our masks for the duration of this visit here. We won't have a chance to kiss till we sanitize everything thoroughly," he replied with a small cute pout.

"Oh," she whispered.

She reunited their lips till they heard footsteps at the bottom of the stairs.

"Lads, there's breakfast if you like!" The innkeeper announced.

They halfheartedly separated, wore their masks, and headed downstairs. Taehyung politely refused the breakfast, prepared without taking precautions for their health.

"You are very kind, sir, but we simply cannot risk it. We don't know how the plague works, we could contract it when we least expect it," the boy explained to a confused and disappointed innkeeper.

"So what are we eating?" Asked Y/N while heading outside.

"We've risked plenty enough, now the real work begins. I will give instructions as to how to prepare our meals, wash our clothes, and everything," he said as they walked on the elevated pathways, "I was lucky to attend a lecture about contagion management. I'll instruct you to detail, don't you worry."

Y/N nodded.

They reached Dr. Woo's office. The old man was resting on the wooden rails, smoking a cigarette and gazing at the mist floating a few centimeters above muddy water.

"Doctor. Good morning," greeted Taehyung.

"Oh, 'morning. I was just taking a quick break. Come inside, I'll show you the patients."

He lead them inside the ward where more than a dozen hospital beds were occupied by plague-afflicted villagers. Y/N glanced at each of them while crossing the long room. Coughs sounded from every corner, rough and continuous, some more severe than others.

Woo stopped at the previews to the last bed, where a relatively young man rested under the sheets. His condition did not appear too serious.

"This is Kim Beckett, thirty-six years of age. He was hospitalized seventeen days ago due to breathing difficulties. His condition has improved remarkably, he'll be dismissed tomorrow to finish his therapy at home," Woo lifted the man's sleeve, "His black spots still remain, however. I wager in a few months they'll be gone, just like for the others."

Taehyung and Y/N listened attentively.

Dr. Woo continued, "The plague. Symptoms: Begins with the appearance of dark spots all over the body, prevalent on the forearms, thighs, groin, and neck. Subsequently, fever rises and persists, followed by sore throat and dry cough. If the conditions of the patient are ideal, that'll be that, with gradual improvement secured by the patient's own immune system, or my medical aid to keep the fever down. In serious conditions, and likely the most common in the rest of the continent, the symptoms become lethal and swift."

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