Consequence -(clean)

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This is the clean version of the last chapter, so if you've read the last one, you can skip this one.

The guards led Thorin down a corridor that he hadn't seen before.  He had asked where they were taking him but all he got in reply was a snicker.  They pushed him into a room and left him there.

"Hey!" He knocked on the door.

There wasn't any response.  Thorin looked around the room.  It was bare besides a table and a stone bench.  He sighed and took a seat at the bench.

He didn't know how many minutes passed but it was a while until the door opened.  Thranduil entered the room and the heavy door shut again.  He paced around with his hands behind his back before speaking.

"You wanted to leave?"

"Yes, you-"

"I have to have you punished for trying to escape."

Thorin stood up, though it hardly made a difference in his height.  "Then get to it.  My company will get into Erebor and reunite our kin.  They'll come to get me out.  It's just a matter of time."

"And in that time, I'll make it so you won't want to leave!"  Thranduil pushed Thorin against the wall and roughly kissed him.

Thorin shoved him off and glared at him.  "You think I'll want to stay for you?" This was a bluff, but he didn't want Thranduil to know.  Thorin was torn between wanting to be with his kinsmen and with the elven king.  He never thought he'd begin to like an elf.

Thranduil looked hurt.  He regained his composure quickly.  "I can make it my personal chore to make you want to stay because of me."

Thorin shook his head and sat down again. "You were going to punish me?"

Thranduil rolled his eyes and spun on his heel to leave. 

"I'll send your day's meal in tomorrow.  Don't forget that's all you get until the next day."  He left and the sound of the door closing echoed.

Sorry it's short but it had to have the same ending as the other chapter.

Obsessed Over You (DISCONTINUED - The Hobbit AU fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now