Warning for Caution

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Warning for Caution

A single elf had led Thorin back to the cells. They hadn't retied his hands, and for that he was thankful. The elven guard asked him to whom he wished to speak and he answered by a nod of his head towards Balin's cell.

They walked their way to his friend's imprisonment. Kili had reached out to Thorin as he walked past. His face was full of worry and Thorin felt bad for his young nephew.

"Uncle..." He shook his head to silence Kili. Who knows what would happen if the elf guard thought it'd be an interest to Thranduil that his nephew was among them.

They stopped outside the cell door and the elf turned to him. "I will be stationed just outside. Do not think of escaping. You will not succeed." With that, he turned and walked back the way they came.

"Thorin.." Dwalin had gotten up and was now helping Balin up as well. "Where have you been?"

"Thranduil wanted to speak to me over a meal... Did you not get a warm meal as well?" He grabbed the cell door and noted that it wasn't moving anytime soon without a key.

Dwalin nodded while Balin stepped forward to speak to the dwarf king. "And of what did you speak?"

"He has us imprisoned to keep his image among the elves. He told me that he does not wish it be this way though. If we are to escape, we cannot expect any leeway from the king here."

"Thorin.." A whisper came from his left. He turned to see Fili's cell. "Can't you do anything to convince him to let us go?"

Sadly, Fili's uncle shook his head. He was brought back to the cell ahead of him when Dwalin spoke again.

"What are his plans for you? You aren't sleeping in the cells tonight are you?"

"The elf insists that I sleep in one of their chambers..." He paused looking at his closest kinsmen. "Does this sit well with you?"

"Of course Thorin. You're a king, you should have a bed to sleep in." Balin said and opened his mouth to say more but was cut off by Dwalin.

"Just be cautious Thorin. I heard some rumors about this elf king. I fear he may hide his true intentions."

"Of course he did!" Fili barked out. He looked at Dwalin and tossed his hands up as if it were obvious. "He's an elf. No good trusting an elf!"

"Fili. Keep your voice down, you aren't in any position to insult right now." Thorin warned.

Looking down at his feet, Fili nodded his apologies. A thought came to him and he looked back up. Thorin had started to leave again but Fili was able to grab his sleeve. "Uncle..." He whispered.

Thorin turned to him, eyebrows raised, and motioned for him to continue.

"Kili... How's he doing in his cell?"

Thorin had to give a small smile at his nephew's love for his brother. "He's fine. No need to worry." The two haven't been separated very often and when they were, they constantly worried about the other.


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