Thranduil is King

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A/N: *Drum Roll*

Thranduil is King

Thorin was lead to a bed chamber were another elf was standing guard. His escort turned and left, leaving him there with the elf that he hasn't seen before.

"The King thought you should know that he is sorry we don't have any night clothes for you." The elf opened the door for Thorin.

"No, it's alright," he mumbled as he walked in. He was surprised when he saw Thranduil standing at one of the room's windows.

He turned around and gave a small smile to Thorin. "We might as well make this work. It's not like you're leaving anytime soon."

"Make what work?" Thorin slowly walked further into the room.

"I've been thinking. How would you like having these chambers?"

He looked around at the furniture before answering, "it'll suffice."

"And me?"

"I don't take your meaning."

"How would you like. Having. Me?" He pronounced the last words slowly, letting them sink into the dwarf's mind.

Thorin just stood there, not sure of what to say.

"A question usually requires an answer, Master Dwarf."

"You're the king."

"You used to be one too. Well, you used to be next in line for one." Thranduil took a few steps closer to him.

"Why do you imply that I won't be anymore?"

"Because, you won't be leaving. Now, answer my question."

"This is your kingdom, I'd think my opinions wouldn't matter."

"Very well. Do you accept me as your ruler then?"

"As long as I'm here, I sort of have to."

"Good. So my command is your wish?"

"If that's your command."

Thranduil smiled at his answer. "It is."

Thorin stood there, waiting for the elf to say more, to say what he was getting at. That's when he realized what Thranduil meant. What he meant by having him. Instantly his face flushed and he felt as red as a tomato. Was this what Dwalin had spoken of?

Thorin didn't have much time to wonder what he's going to do because at that moment, Thranduil had closed the space between their mouths. His shock gave Thranduil the perfect opportunity to roam his mouth.


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