A Little Trust

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The door opened. And someone came in.  It was the first time since yesterday.  The only way he knew was because he'd had one meal.

"Quickly now," the elf said.

"What?" Thorin sat up in confusion.

"I'm to.. Deliver you to the dining hall where the King will receive you." He said receive like it was an inside joke.

"Alright," he stood up and followed the dwarf out the door. They passed several elves as they went through the hallway.

Suddenly, they stopped by big wooden doors that Thorin figured where to the outside.

"Here," the elf handed him a note.  "And I suppose you'll find the door unlocked.  Oh well, I think we need to take more caution while transporting prisoners."

Thorin began to unfold the note but the elf stopped him, "time for that later." He nodded towards the wooden doors and left Thorin alone in the hall.

He went to the door and opened it.  Then he realized what was happening, he was being let go.  He ran out and into the cover of the trees.

He ran until he was out of breath. Finally, he opened the mysterious letter.  There were two parchments. One was a map and the other had a letter written on it.

I am sorry to have kept you so long.  I realize now that it was a mistake and that I was only trying to entertain myself with your presenceI have found an elf who I could trust to show you out.  If you were to come back, do not do so unless you've brought the heirlooms of my people with you.

Short chapter but that's because I want to warn you now: if you haven't seen BOTFA yet, you may not want to read ahead until you do.

Obsessed Over You (DISCONTINUED - The Hobbit AU fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now