The Company's Arrival

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If there is any misspelled words, bad grammar usage, or anything else, please tell me. I can't develop writing skills if I don't get feedback!

There was nothing worse than a boring day. No current dilemmas, no battles, there was absolutely no drama throughout his kingdom.

Thranduil sat upon his throne, silently wishing for a war to start so he wasn't so bored. He looked over at the approaching elf. It was Legolas, his son, Prince of the Woodland Realm.

Legolas walked the few stairs up to where his father was sitting in his throne. Tauriel had accompanied the dwarves to their holding cells and helped search them for further weapons. As he had left, one of the dwarves, a blonde one, was stripped of at least a dozen concealed knives.

"My lord." Legolas bowed his head down. The fact that he was the heir to the throne made him feel that he didn't have to kneel as everyone else did in the presence of his father.

"Yes Legolas?" Thranduil sat a little straighter. Had his son come to tell him that his kingdom is under attack? He sighed, if that were so, Legolas would be in much more of a hurry.

"We found a group of dwarves as we pursued those mutant eight-legged giants. We have just unarmed them and they are now in our holding cells."

"Hmm?" Thranduil rolled his eyes, "this is all the excitement for today?" He shook his head and looked down at his son. "Dwarves you say? Where do they come from?"

"That's the interesting bit, they are the company of Thorin Oakenshield, father."

Legolas noticed a flare in his father's eyes as he heard the name Oakenshield. He knew his King had been waiting quite awhile for something new and unexpected to happen. Now that the kingdom was at peace, his father started to become restless. It was unusual for elves to be restless, but it had been a good while since there was an event.

"Oakenshield..." The Elven King whispered to no one in particular. "Bring him before me. And check him twice for weapons beforehand."

"Yes father." Legolas dipped his head down slightly and left to fetch the new prisoner. He could hear his father still whispering the dwarf's name.


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