Lock and Key

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The elves were not so decent and graceful when they had taken their items. Gloin was separated from his locket that he never parted with, Fili lost all of his prize knives, Bofur had to surrender his hat, and Ori assumed more personal belongings were confiscated as well.

He looked out through the bars of his door. He could see Kili playing with his talisman stone, Bombur was sitting down and staring at the elf guard that passed by, and the only other dwarf he could see was Dwalin. He saw one of the elves, a female one, walk up to Kili. They spoke but Ori couldn't make out the words.

All of a sudden there was a noise of keys fumbling in a lock and a metal door opening. The elf that Bombur had been watching led Thorin and two other elves out to the way the dwarves had entered.

Ori wondered why they had taken Thorin. Were they going question him? Most likely. Ori didn't know much about elves, he feared that they would torture Thorin.

He shuddered as he continued thinking about what was happening to Thorin. If they were treating his king anything like they did when they snatched his slingshot, he didn't want to know what they would do for torture. They slapped it out of Ori's hand and snapped it in two. Luckily he had another hidden in his britches that they didn't find.

The she-elf walked away from Kili and all was quiet. Kili, not distracted by the elf anymore, looked around and caught Ori's gaze. He gave him a small grin as if to say that everything would be fine. That was when he was aware that someone had started talking. He missed the first few words but he heard the response right away.

"Not our last hope." He heard Thorin say. This surprised him. He must have been deep in thought over what they might have done to their leader that he didn't see him return. Ori let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. Thorin's words ringing in his ears, 'not our last hope'.

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