Chapter 12: The Quidditch House Cup

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Chapter 12: The Quidditch House Cup

We woke the next day, entangled with each other in Draco's fancy silk sheets.

After realizing we were late for breakfast we hurried around his dorm, attempting to find our articles of clothing that we seemed to have thrown all over his room. I couldn't stop the grin on my face when Draco handed me socks to wear from his drawer to place on my feet before stepping onto the cold tiles.

Our friends were all lounging in the common room when we arrived, all wearing the same knowing look.

"How did everyone sleep?" Adrian asked, picking his bag up as we all started to move towards the portrait door.

Theo scoffed "I don't think some of us got enough sleep"

Blaise raised his eyebrows dramatically, overacting confusion "And why was that Theo?"

Theo struggled to hold back his smirk as he let out a loud moan "Oh Draco!" He slammed his fist against the wall as he neared the entrance to the common room. "Harder! Harder! Faster!"

Blaise, who was snickering behind some of his books, started to join in on Theo's fun. "Oh, Hermione!" He lowered his voice dramatically, doing a shit impression of Draco, "You feel so good!"

Draco was rolling his eyes, letting them have their fun, but slapped them both on the head as we exited through the door. I was giggling with Daphne while Pansy chose to act as if she was higher than everyone, scoffing at their vulgarness.

"Even though you two were trying to get under my skin," Draco said, a smirk pulling at his lips "I can't help but think you two were complimenting me on how responsive I can make Hermione"

"Draco!" I squeaked, slapping his arm. I widened my eyes, scolding him for giving them any hint about what we do behind closed doors.


I stilled and so did the rest of the group, their laughter dying quickly as we all turned to see who was calling my name outside the Potions classroom. I didn't have to turn to know who it was. My stomach dropped as I made eye contact with a redhead.

"Ginny," I smiled. "What're you doing here?" I asked crossing over to her, leaving space between us and the Slytherins.

Ginny wasn't looking at me as she replied "Forgot to turn in my potions essay the other day, so I turned it in this morning before the game. They wouldn't have let me played if I didn't"

I tried to advert her view of the group, stepping more in front of her, "Well, thank goodness you did, today is such a big day after all"

Her eyes snapped to mine, burning through them "Yes, it is, which is why I'm a bit confused as to why I found you with the whole team our house is competing against, and even a few more Slytherins who aren't even on the team"

I tried to act nonchalant about setting "Well, you know I'm friends with Adrian and Daphne"

She creased her eyebrows "But you said you weren't fucking him, so why didn't you come to your dorm last night, and why are you leaving the Slytherin common room so early in the morning?"

I saw Draco's jaw click at the mention of Adrian. I never would've thought of Draco being jealous of Adrian and I's friendship. I felt my body grow warmer as the lies continued to fly off my tongue. "Can't I just sleepover with my friends? Daphne and I hung out and it got late, you know I can't get caught after hours anymore" I gestured slightly to Daphne, and once my face was out of view of Ginny's I pursed my lips at Daph, pleading for her to go on with my lie.

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