Doctor Dash

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Disclaimer: Danny Phantom is a product of Nickelodeon. All characters in this story are not mine tho I wish they were.

Chapter 01

"I'll be right out here if you need me."

Dash glanced toward the door when he heard the man's voice. The young boy standing in the doorway nodded up at his father, who remained mostly out of sight. All Dash could see of the man was a pale lanky arm as the man stood beside the doorway. Turning toward the room, hesitation flashed only briefly in the brilliant blue of the young boy's eyes. Then he put on a brave face as he entered and climbed onto the padded examining table without anyone's help. He frowned at Dash as his lower lip jutted out in an almost pout, and his eyes narrowed, giving Dash the impression that the boy was very unhappy about being here. His short arms folded over the white T-shirt that he wore, paired with baggy shorts.

"Hey there, little guy." Dash put on his most charming smile, trying to make the boy feel comfortable around him as he rolled his chair over to his patient. He knew coming in for an examination could be scary for young children. Plenty of times the children would start crying before he even began the examination, often needing their parents to calm them enough to allow Dash to finish.

"It's Lex," the boy said firmly, his blue eyes narrowing in a hard glare at the man before him.

Dash blinked in surprise, not expecting that reaction from the boy. When he heard a tired sigh, he glanced over toward the door to see that the father slid down the wall into a crouch, his bony leg poking into sight beyond the doorframe. With a shake of his head, Dash turned back to his patient. Lex was a little bigger than most of the seven year olds that he dealt with, already showing the beginnings of light muscles. His blond hair was unruly, and some of the bangs hung down into his eyes. His small mouth pursed as he continued to glare at Dash.

"My apologies, Lex," Dash said, trying to regain his composure after being thrown off by the boy's angry expression. "Now, first I'd like to take look inside your mouth. Open up please." He reached out to better position the boy's head so that he could look inside to examine the back of Lex's mouth. When he felt teeth snap down hard on his fingers, Dash yelped, jerking his hand back. In all his years as a pediatrician, he couldn't remember the last time one of his patients bit him, probably way back when he was still in med school or when he first started working. This wasn't his first time being bitten, but the children he saw nowadays were usually more well behaved than this boy was acting.

"Lex!" The father barged into the room with a stern shout after hearing the commotion taking place within the examination room.

While Dash nursed his wounded fingers, the father stood before his son. From the boy's reaction, head bowing and shoulders hunching, Dash guessed the look upon Lex's father's face was furious. The dark haired man was of average height, standing a few inches shorter than Dash. His frame was thin with long, wiry limbs, but Dash could see some muscle upon the man despite the loose casual clothing that he wore. The man's raven hair was about as unruly as his son's blond hair, making Dash wonder if either of them owned a brush, or heard of one, when they both looked like they simply rolled out of bed before coming to the doctor's office. Dash frowned at the man's tense back, thinking there was something familiar about Lex's father, though he couldn't place it.

"I told you after Doctor Thurston that you can't go around biting people." Lex's father placed his hands on his hips as he stared down at his son.

"He was going to stick a needle in me," Lex complained, pouting as he pointed an accusing finger at Dash.

The man sighed and scratched a hand through his raven locks. "I told you before that this was just a check up," he said tiredly. "He's not giving you a shot, and he's not taking any blood. All he's going to do is the usual physical. Just behave, and we'll be able to go home in no time."

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