New Years Pt 3

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Katrina P.O.V

"Hello sister," Lily said with a smirk. "Funny running into you here, I thought mom told you to stay away," she said with a sneer.

This was all too much so I just started running, fast as my legs could carry me, away from everything, Lily, Ashlyn, Miss Jen, and everyone who hated me for the school I went too.

I finally stopped after about 10 minutes of turning corners and running down blocks. I stopped in front of a street sign, panting heavily. I looked up and found that I actually recognized the street name. Maybe I was running and walking for more than 10 minutes because somehow, I found myself at the street Nini lived on!

I knew my mom could pick me up here, but unfortunately, she was probably still working, the plan was to stay at Ashlyn's tonight but there was no way I was going back now.

I didn't know Lily lived so close to Nini! I cant tell how long I sat there panting and thinking, forming some plan to get to a place I knew. A place where I would probably get home from. All of a sudden I got a text from Ashlyn.


Ash: Kat where are you? You were supposed to spend the night at my house.

Kat: Yeah, plans changed, I'm finding my way home on my own.

Ash: Kat you can't do that!

Kat: Why not? I'm already at Nini's house, I can find my way to the dinner from here and then I can get home.

Ash: Kat please don't do this, you could get lost, or hurt.

Kat: I'll be fine, but if your really so worried as "a good friend" then I'll tell you when I get home and if I don't text you by 2, then you can send out a search party.

I closed the text angrily, not wanting to see what she texted back. All the talk of not caring what school I went to was all baloney anyways. If it wasn't, she would have defended me. I took a left, right, another left, then 2 rights before I got to the dinner again.

I finally realized Ashlyn's point. I couldn't get home from here, it was all the way across town! I started to wonder if I should call Ashlyn but then I remembered where I came to the dinner from. Grant's house.

His house was about 4 blocks away, this could actually work. I could count on the party still going on because his mom's New Years parties last until like 4 anyways. I hoped he wouldn't mind me heading there for a bit.

I took off into a run again, taking the twists and turns I knew all too well, finally coming up on a huge house lit up, with music and the noise of probably drunk adults. I considered knocking on the door, but the music would probably drown the noise out anyways.

So I climbed in through our secret entrance, or rather just the window. Of course it was a total secret how to get onto the roof. When Grant and I were 10, we found a very complex way to get onto the roof.

There was a tree on the other side of the house that had a branch almost a fourth of the way to the roof. We tied a incredibly sturdy rope to a part of the roof and the other to the tree. Of course we couldn't climb across it, so we decided we could untie the end of the rope on the tree when needed, and jump.

We had to then land with our feet on the side of the house and climb up the rope like that until you got to the top. It was a successful method until one of us got hurt. Now it was only used for absolute emergencies.

I did it anyways, swinging down and climbing up, holding onto the shingles to pull myself upwards. When I finally got onto the roof, I walked along it till I got to Grants window. I looked inside and saw his laying on his bed, looking like he would rather be anywhere else in the world. I knocked and he instantly looked up, becoming startled when he saw me in the window.

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