A/N : The End

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That's it!
The fiction is finished, after 48 chapters and more than 8 months of writing.

It was really a pleasure to share this adventure with you, and to see all the feedback I got even more.

So thank you, thank you to everyone who followed this story, who voted, commented.

I love talking to readers, and to think that I like my stories is crazy, because I don't feel like I'm doing anything fantastic, and yet so many of you tell me that my writing style is nice and that my stories are fun to read. So thank you very much.

Beside my fanfiction, all the good comments motivated me to start a project that was close to my heart but that I didn't dare to start, writing my own book.

And here I am, thanks to you again, I've started writing and it's progressing slowly.

I'm going to continue the fictions despite everything because it's a pleasure to write and I want to finish my saga project, and there are still two books to write!

I still have the bonus chapters to write, I don't know when they will come out but I don't forget them!

I will start writing the sequel very soon.

Thanks again for all the feedback, and remember, stay cool, demigod 😁🔱

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