Is this real?

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Luca's pov

I woke up on a couch to the smell of bacon strongly wafting into the room. I sat up and looked around. Where am I?

Everything seemed foggy, all I can remember is the name Alberto?

I got up and walked towards where the smell was coming from. There was a man standing in a kitchen making bacon but he looked old. Not in the bad way just older then me.

Wait he seems familiar.

"Hey babe, how did you sleep?" Did he just call me babe? "I um, don't remember." I responded while rubbing my eyes and walking towards him. Wow my voice sounds so deep. How old am I?

The man puts the last piece of bacon from the pan onto a plate and after setting a rubber spatula down walks to me.

He wraps his hands around my waste and I start to jolt back but stop once I realized it's kinda nice. He starts swaying around and lightly giggling. I think this is Alberto.

Everything around us shifts until it's just me and Alberto dancing in an open space with clouds and grass around us.

He dips me and I look into his green and yellow eyes. He's so pretty. He's so perfect. And even though he's right infront of me, it feels like he's ten million miles away.

I wish we could just dance forever. Just us. Holding onto each other and looking into each other's eyes.

It starts raining and both of us go through the change. It's definitely Alberto. I could recognize those handsome purple scales anyday.

We start running and holding hands, laughing and splashing in puddles until we reach a city.

We have to swim through a lake to get to it but it's nothing we haven't seen before.

Vespas were flying through the air and Alberto and I leaped onto one. The sky seemed to reach out for forever and our laughs felt never ending.

We reached the small town at the other side of the lake and once we got there Alberto stopped in the water. What is he doing?

I tried grabbing his hands "Come on Alberto why aren't you walking?" I asked while trying to drag him to the nearest shop.

Nothing happened. After what felt like hours of pulling and tugging and trying to get him to move he just stood there blank faced. Until he fell backwards into the water.

I tried to get him but my feet were being pulled into the ground. What. Is. Happening.

Reaching and grabbing for something to pull me out but I kept sinking into the sand, nothing was working. The only thing I could hear was laughing and then Giulia's voice screaming in my ears.

Why is this happening.

"Wake up Luca~" Giulia said while spinning around my head.

I felt myself jolt up out of the chair. Nonono it was all a dream. Why can't I just spend time with Alberto without everything falling to the ground.

Giulia's pov

"Luca you gotta wake up. There's something I need to show you." I said to Luca while trying to shake him awake. He just layed there with concern in his face. Ugh why isn't he a light sleeper.

I shake him again saying "Wake up Luca!" A bit louder then before and he jolts out of the chair "AAA where is Alberto?!?!"

I step back "Look." Pointing to the lymph bandaged sea boy as he stairs at the ceiling. Luca neals down next to Alberto and grabs his hand saying "Saint mozerela he's awake!" Luca had the biggest smile on his face and kept his eyes on Alberto for the whole time.

"I was talking to the doctor and he should get his other sinces back over the next few days! He can hear and feel us but he still isn't fully awake."

Lucas pov

I know he's alive which is all I've wanted the past few days but knowing he can't respond for a while hurts. I should be greatful he's alive but I miss him. I just want him to talk to me again.

To hug me and tell me he cares and that he forgives me even tho he shouldn't. Even tho I'm an arshole and I acted like an idiot. I just need him to hold my hand and tell me he is okay.

Massimo walks in the room a few hours later with my grandma but I don't pay much attention to them. I still cant get my eyes off Alberto. He can open his eyes and I guess that's just another step for him to be able to hug me again.

This may be a slow and long process but I guess I'm willing to go through it if it mean getting my best friend back.

I look away from Alberto for a second to look around the room. Giulia and Massimo were in the big window chair taking a nap and my grandma had been snoring for the past thirty minutes.

It's just me and Alberto now. Nothing but him and I.

I move Alberto over a bit so I can share the bed with him. Carefully and strategically placing his limbs so that I can hold him without hurting him at all.

We are laying on the hospital bed together and even tho he's basically paralyzed right now, it still feels better then just holding his hand and hoping he's not dead.

964 words
Ello, thank you so much for reading another chapter! I hope you liked it and I'm sorry that it took me a bit longer to post this one, I have been at my sister's house for the past 4 days and forgot that Wattpad was a thing 💀

Is He Dead?(Luca x Alberto) Where stories live. Discover now