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Lucas pov

I wake up to the sound of Giulia wispering in my ear. "Hey luca, wake up."

I had just been dreaming about Alberto and I. He had just woken up from the coma and we were stargaizing and talking about random things at the tower on the island.

He was so warm. I want to go back to sleep.

I role over to face Giulia and try to untangle myself from Alberto but give up after realizing I don't really want to"Giulia it's still dark out I wanna go back to sleep."

Giulia tilted her head and groaned saying "Nooo, I need to show you something!"

Ugh why can't she just let me sleep. I'm comfortable right now and this is the closest I've been to Alberto since before the harpoon.

Instead of complaining I fully get up and and follow Giulia. Making one last glance at alberto I closed the door and followed Giulia down the hallway.

We walked up a bunch of stairs until we finally made it to the door that led to the roof.

"Hey, uh, Giulia... Where are we going?"

Giulia looked at me in disappointment and said "Come on luca, do you trust me? "

Not really but I don't wanna tell her that because it would probably hurt her feelings. She grabbed my hands and we went through the door that went out to the roof.

Wow! The only thing I could see was stars up in the sky. Nothing but tiny shining spots that covered the blackish blue sky that stretched on forever.

It reminded me of the time Giulia and I looked through the telescope except this time it was all right in front of us without using something that zooms them in.

Giulia sat down near the edge of the roof and waved me towards her. Everything seems so off. I'm getting uncomfortable, I know she just wants to hang out but Alberto is down there and I'm not next to him.

I stand for a second debating on weather or not I should go back to Alberto or look at stars with her.

I walk towards her and sit next to her. As long as she doesn't touch my face again I'll be fine.

We both look up and point towards different stars. A swarm of shooting stars go by and I stand up. Holy bajesus it's so beautiful.

She gets up with me and slowly moves her hand towards mine. I was gonna move my hand but I was to amazed, it's so freakin butiful.

We stand there hand in hand stairing up at the stars. I don't pay much attention to her and I know she is probably annoyed but I can't get my eyes off the shooting stars.

While we are stand in there I can feel her eyes stairing at me and I wasn't expecting her to make a move but then I feel her hand that she's not holding mine in on the side of my face.

"Giulia what are y-" before I could finish my sentence Giulia kisses me.

She moves back a bit and smiles.

Giulia pov

Wow Luca is so amazing. He is stairing up at the shooting stars but I can't stop looking at him. Hes so handsome.

He most likely wouldn't mind if I kiss him since I'm already holding his hand.

I place my free hand on his cheek and he looks at me in confusion. He tries to speak but before he could finish his sentence I couldn't believe it but I was kissing him.

I leaned out of the kiss and smiled at him but it didn't last long. He was frowning.

Did I do something wrong?

Lucas pov

Why would she do that. She didn't even ask if I wanted her to kiss me!!

I let go of her hand and turn towards the door while crossing my hands. "Did I do something wrong?" Giulia asks behind me.

"Giulia I-I um" am I really gonna tell her. I want to turn around and tell her I think I'm gay because I like Alberto but I can't get the words out.

I can feel myself tearing up and turn back towards her. "Giulia I think that I might be um... " I start crying and holding myself in a hug while sitting down on the ground "Giulia come here I think you should be sitting down when I tell you."

She sits down in front of me and I can tell she's about to talk but I cut her off "Giulia I'm gay. "

She looks shocked but then smiles and says "Oh, well I support you completely." She looks hurt. I down and then back at her and she is tearing up.

God damn it Luca why did you have to do that. "A-and I think I like Alberto... "

She looks in my eyes holding my shoulders and says "Luca that's completely okay and I support you completely."

She pulls me into a hug but by the time we had both calmed down and relaxed a bit the sun was rising.

"Well I guess we should head back!" Giulia smiled.

"Ya that's a good idea." We walked back to the room and everyone was still asleep. Alberto layed there with his eyes opening looking at the ceiling and blinking every once and a while.

I walked back to the bed and pushed him over a bit so I could lay next to him again. His heart beat is so relaxing.

I start drifting off but for some reason I couldn't go back to sleep. Something feels like it's in my hair? I slowly bring my hand up to my head. Alberto?

Alberto had his hand in my hair and he was moving it a bit. Tears start rolling down my face and I barry myself into his chest so no one would notice if they woke up.

"Alberto I miss you~" I whisper into his chest and he responds saying "I miss you too man."

Looking up at him my jaw drops. I sit up and hug him. He groans a bit so I sit back up "omg I'm so sorry Alberto I forgot I gotta be careful."

"It's okay Luca, and I'm sorry for being such an ass back at the sea. I outed us as sea monster and that wasn't cool."

"Alberto you have been in a coma for the past few days because I screamed sea monster, none of this is your fault."

"Dude no, how about it's Ercoles fault."

He looks down at me a bit and I look up at him smiling. I can't believe he's awake!

1122 words
Thanks for reading, the next, the next chapter will be up soon =]

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