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Alberto's pov

Luca helps me into my wheel chair and I rolled off to the cafeteria. No one was there other then a few workers.

I pulled up to a handy cap table after getting something called a smoothy. It's very good and tastes kinda like strawberries.

A few minutes go by and no one is there. Just me and my half finished smoothy.

"Hi there, I've finished my transition if you couldn't tell." A voice that was all to familiar approaches behind me.

I turn around in my wheel chair to try and see if it's actually him. He stands behind me in a white shirt and dark blue paints.

"I knew I'd find you here. I've been watching you y'know." His accent has gotten so much harder to understand and his voice is so much deeper since the last time I saw him. I still know it's him though.

Every bone in my body is tingling and I don't know what to say. I must look so stupid. "B-bruno?" I ask.

"Hey! I told you I would transition which you didn't understand at the time but now I'm a more of a man then you!" He sounds so confident and he has his arm over my shoulder now trying to be at my level.

It's so messed up that he thinks he wasn't a man before he transitioned. I know he's trans but that doesn't mean he's less valid. Even if he is a disappointment of a father.

"Why?how? What are you doing here?" Why am I so shocked he told me he would be here in that...dream?

"Well I knew you went here so I decided to try and find you, and now here we are." He puts a big pause in between from taking my smoothy and taking a big gulp. Welp that ruins my smoothy now. Probably my whole diet for a while.

"So, uh, I heard you know Massimo. Do you know where he may be?"

How the hell does Bruno know who Massimo is?

What is he hiding.


Luca's pov

Alberto has been gone for a while and I know he said not to go with him but I'm starting to get worried. What if he fell out of his wheel chair.

Or worse, he's stuck in the big scary creaky elevator alone... Ugh silencio Bruno.

I need to find Alberto, I need him to be safe.

I walk out of the room and grab a blanket to stay warm. They always make the building colder at night.

When I walk out of the room Alberto is down the hall talking to a man in a white shirt. He has a hat on his head and puts it on Alberto before walking away.

Who is that man?

"ALBERTO, I was so worried about you, who was that man?" I say while running towards Alberto.

"What the hell I told you to stay in the room!?!"

"I um, well you where gone for a while and I was worried." He looks mad. I didn't mean to upset him.

"It's not like you ever tell me where you're going with Giulia so don't get worried about me." Oh no. It's not that I was sneaking off with her I just needed to talk to her about how to tell Massimo that I like Alberto. And I know I should've told him but he was so drained I didn't wanna add more stress. Plus we haven't actually talked in a while.

Alberto rolls past me and goes towards the door trying to open it but the handle is to high and he can't stand up that well without assistants still.

Is He Dead?(Luca x Alberto) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang