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Ablerto's pov

"First things first we are going to give you a wheel chair so you can move around until you can walk again without assistance but before that..." Nurse Amy talks a lot. She keeps going on and on about how I need to not have other people in the bed with me, and how I'm supposed to go in a wheel chair rather then walk freely since I'm not done with physical therapy. (btw it's not because of physical therapy but you'll find that out after a little bit, I don't wanna spoil anything I just thought that should be added.)

I've been able to walk just fine so I don't know why they need me to use a wheel chair now even though I haven't needed to in the past. Luca can't even push me since he's 'not responsible enough' but in my opinion he's the most responsible here.

It's been a few weeks since Luca and I said we have feeling for each other and things have been kinda awkward.

He still holds my hand while we watch tv but he always looks uncomfortable and I can't tell if it's because of Bruno or Massimo. Or maybe it's just because of me.

I some what regret telling Luca I have the same feelings for him that he has for me but I'm also happy to get that off my chest.

"So how do you feel about that?" Amy was still talking to me- holy shit how long did I just zone out for?

"Uhhh, sure?" I say tilting my head a bit.

Luca chuckles a bit and then says "Haha no she was wondering how you feel about doctor Randle."

"Oh heh, um he seems cool I guess." I say in confusion because I have no idea who that is.

"Okay I'll set the surgery up for later tonight!"

Hold up what.

She said what now.

I grasp Luca's hand a bit tighter and then focus all my attention to the tv. I know Amy is still talking to me about something but I can't stop thinking, why do I need surgery?

The harpoon may have gone into my stomach but that doesn't mean I died. I'm still walking, I don't think it's so urgent that I would need surgery.

I mean ya I have a tremendously bad pain in my stomach but I was also stabbed with a harpoon. It's not the first time but the first time was just a scratch.

Luca is staring at me and Amy leaves the room "What do I have something on my face?" I joke.

"No you just seemed really distracted after she started to bring up the surgery for your stomach." Luca gets a bit closer to me and even tho I try to take my hand away, he still holds it.

"Ya, I didn't know there was gonna be a surgery, and I don't really think I need it." I say trying to hold in my tears that are forming.

"Did you not hear anything she said? You have rapid internal bleeding and need surgery for it to stop. That's not something you can decide weather you want or not!" Luca let's go of my hand and stands up while his voice slightly gets louder with every word he speaks.

I want all of this to stop. The internal bleeding. Luca. My feelings . Everything. It's becoming to much.

I had something called an MRI a few days ago, but no one told me it would lead to surgery. Not even Massimo or Giulia. They have been here long enough they should've told me.

I start to clinch my fists and my jaw and I can't control my tears anymore. They race down my face and everything comes out unstoppably. Even stuff I've been pushing down since my dad left where forming in my head. I was seven, I could've died, and the worst part is I almost did.

Luca continues to yell at me and I want him to stop. I repeat his name a few times and I don't think he knows I'm crying.

"Luca...please stop..." I say one last time before looking at him and my whole body goes limp as I melt into the bed.

Luca gasps a little bit and then picks me up into a hug. No one has yelled at me like that since my dad was around. I miss him so much.

A few hours go by and Luca lays next to me. I know he's not aloud to but I really don't care. He's warm and makes me feel better.

Massimo was taking a nap but didn't even try to stop Luca when he was yelling at me which kinda hurt.

Amy walks in with a paper on a 'clip board' and asks Massimo to sign a few things after shaking him awake and then dragging me away from everyone and telling Luca to stay behind. It was really hard for both Luca and I.

I want him to be with me for this. I don't wanna be alone. I need him to hold my hand and tell me it's gonna be okay.

We get into the room and everyone is surrounding me. It was only three people but felt like the world. I can't contain my tears and they bring out a syringe with a needle at the end. It looks like something out of this planet. Something that would only be seen on a tv show.

This room looks different from the last one I was in.

There where Windows all around that went out into small offices but most of the room was dark and closed off other then the light above me.

They sectioned off my stomach from the rest of me with a box shaped curtain that was opened at the top and I couldn't see inside of it, while who I'm assuming was doctor Randle, wiped my arm and said "Alright this might hurt a little bit but just relax."

Hah relax they say it like it's gonna be easy but how can someone be relaxed when something like this is happening.

"Ow" I say reaching to put my hand where the syringe is but Amy who had followed us in grabbed my hand and forced it onto the bed until he was done.

"He said relax." She spat out.

Everything was fading. The light. My since of feeling. My thoughts. Everything. It's like the world was letting me go and I was slowly drifting away.

All my worries seemed to be nothing and it felt like how I do when I'm with Luca. As slowly as it was for me to drift off one by one things started to come back.

My thoughts, and my emotions, my since of feel. Luca was holding me in his lap and playing with my hair. He was watching tv and humming the same toon that Giulia had been a few weeks ago. I think Ercole was listening to that song the first time we saw him on the vespa.

Hah we were so silly to think he was senior vespa. He just turned put to be a massive jerk.

I grabbed Luca's arm and looking up at him. He smiled so big and pulled me into a hug.

"O-ouch." I groan grabbing my stomach and breathing heavier and louder then I was a second ago. That hurt so bad.

"I'm so sorry, I need to stop doing that." Luca says while looking down a bit.

I pull my head into his chest so my words are mumbled a bit "It's okay I'm just happy to be here. With you."

Luca wraps his arms around me and replies "Me too."

1329 words
Thanks for reading, as I had said in the last chapter that I would try to make the next chapter faster so here it is. I hope you enjoyed it!!

Is He Dead?(Luca x Alberto) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora