Ugh Giulia 🙄

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Alberto's pov

Everything seems foggy. The last thing I can remember is Luca looking down at me crying. A-and a sharp feeling in my stomach? "*Groans* ow."

Oh ya, the harpoon... I layed there staring at the ceiling, words started popping up in my head the more I stared and then I remembered! Luca had been talking to me while I was in my coma.

Wait did he once say he likes me?


This next part picks up where the last chapter left off


Man Luca is so amazing. He layed in my arms causing my stomach to hurt a bit but it didn't really bother me as long as he is comfortable.

We didn't really say anything for a while after I told him it's not his fault for what happened. I can't believe how much of an idiot I am. Why would I be so selfish trying to keep Luca with me.

If he's happier at school...with Giulia, then I'm happy he's there.

Giulia was sitting in the chair next to us and staring at Luca. What's her problem. It's 9 in the morning go back to sleep or something. We had been laying here for almost an hour and the whole time her eyes didn't leave Luca.

"Hey Giulia, what's on your mind?" I asked trying see if I could get any info out of her.

She sat there zoned out so I picked my self up a bit groaning a tad. Luca sat up with me and looked confused.

"Alberto you're gonna stress yourself lay down." He was pressing on my chest trying to get me back down but I grabbed his hand and layed it on my chest in a way he couldn't push down on it.

Not gonna lie it was kinda comforting having his hand on my chest.

He looked in my eyes with his 'trust me on this one' face so I lowered myself a tiny bit before waving my hand in front of Giulia's face "Earth to Giulia. Are you okay?" I asked as she gasped and grabbed onto the side of her chair.

"Haha sorry Alberto, it's been a long night I guess." She said smiling.

"Oh really, what all happened?" Hmmm maybe this has to do with why her and Luca where out of the room.

I'm not jealous I'm just trying to make sure she isn't tryna steal my man. Even tho he's technically not mine... But that's not the point.

"I went stargazing with um, Luca, but I think we stayed out there to long cus I'm exhausted." She leaned her body down and slowly closed her eyes "Welp I guess I should be getting some sleep then." That was easier then I thought.

"Luca, um, I was wondering I mean since you and Giulia go stargazing and stuff, if you could maybe teach me about some stars?" I really could care less about the stars I just want to hear his voice. It's so calming.

He smiles and says "Of course! Maybe some time we could go to your old place and stargaze so I can teach you about some of the stars?"

His face is glowing right now. It's kinda cute. Well in a platonic way.     (;ŏ﹏ŏ)

I nod and he lays his head on my chest. The thought of what ever happened while they were gone keeps spinning around in my head.

I know it was probably as they said but what if I'm misreading everything going on between Luca and I.

Giulia and him keep going on and off with romantic tension and it's bothering me a bit. I want that to be with me! But in a platonic way...

Alberto stop. If he likes girls you can't force him to like you...even if it hurts. He's happy with Giulia. He deserves someone like her, not me.

Eventually I fall asleep with Luca holding onto my ripped shirt curled up in my arms.


Luca's pov


Alberto's breathing slows down a bit and he started snoring softly. It was kinda funny but also adorable. I wanted to go back to sleep so bad but I couldn't. Alberto's really alive!

Which means maybe I have a chance. He's so amazing, and don't get me wrong so is Giulia but I have so much more feeling when I'm with Alberto.

Its like when I'm with Giulia ya I feel great but it feels more like when you are going on a walk and see a puppy. Ya that puppy is cute and for a minute you get excited but then after it leaves the room that feeling goes away.

When I'm with Alberto it's crazy, it feels like I'm on the edge of a mountain and your adrenaline is going everywhere but the view catches your eyes and your swept away just by the view. That isn't even counting the amazing time you have at the mountain, and it feels like forever not just a second.

I just feel bad for the puppy, I mean Giulia. She's great don't get me wrong but Alberto is so much more. He is the only reason I've ever felt alive. I want to feel alive with him all the time.

I lay on Alberto's chest for a while but Giulia gets up and waves her hand in her direction. Not this again. I get it she wants to hang out but I just got Alberto back.

"*Groans* whaaatt." I berry my face into Alberto's chest and wrap my arms around him. Why can't she see that I'm trying to hang out with him.

"Come on we have to go get breakfas, and I wanted to talk about something." She placed her hand on my back so I tried pushing it off by shuffling my body but she grabbed my shirt.

"Giulia I'm not hungry, and I don't want to yell so please just leave." Ugh first she kisses me with out my consent and now she wants to talk, just back off I want to hang out with Alberto.

Giulia takes her hand away and says "Oh um, okay I'll be back in a minute then." She starts tearing up and sniffing so I get up.

"Wait Giulia I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that." I get up and start going to the door.

"Luca?" Alberto sat up and rubbed one of his eyes "Where are you going?"

"I'll be right back I promise, I just need to get Giulia."I close the door and run in the direction Giulia had just turned.

"Giulia wait. I'm sorry. I was caught off guard by you and I didn't mean to get angry."

She looked at me with tears on her face. Ugh it shouldn't be like this. She doesn't get to be upset when she kisses me without my consent and I don't like it. I get it we were holding hands but I wasn't trying to say I like her.

"It's fine. I'm sorry for grabbing your shirt I just wanted to go out here so we could talk about what happened on the roof." She wipes away her tears .

"Oh um, ya. Can we just forget about it? Sorry. Or we can just say it was a platonic thing?" She looks kinda sad, which I expected but if Alberto finds out he might think I'm straight.

"Oh um ya, a platonic thing works. So breakfast?" She smiles at me and it's clearly fake but I nod and smile back.

1305 words
Hey, I'm Soo sorry that it took me so long to upload this chapter. I've been on a camping trip for the past few days so I haven't had much internet but I finally found a spot where I could wright this chapter so I hope you enjoyed it (=

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