background info

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Peters full name: peter benjamin parker-potts-stark

Peter had been dating loki for two year and loki comforted him the most when his aunt die

Adopted by tony and pepper  when his aunt may died in a car accident around a year and a half ago

Tony and steve are gay

Pepper knows that tony and stave are gay 

Both steve and tony were not ready to come out so tony pretended to date pepper as a cover 

Nat is lesbian and pepper is bi

Everyone knew that pepper is bi but no knew that nat was lesbian she also was not ready to come out so pepper and tonys fake relationship worked out perfect for them as well

Peter is trans but no one knows except for Ned mj loki and  flash and flash likes to use it to blackmail peter

Ned and MJ are also Peter's best friends who spend a lot of time at the compound and are considered family as well.

 Decathlon team

Betty (ned girl friend )

Tyler(flash goon #2)

Jason(flash goon #3)

Mj( peter best friend)

Ned(peter best friend)

Brad (flash goon #1)

Flash (peters bully)

Sebastian (neutral he doesn’t have a problem with peter)

kenneth (neutral he doesn’t have a problem with peter)

Mr.harington (teacher.)

Tour guide

April rodriguez

Main Characters

Peter(main character )

Tony(dating steve/)

Steve(dating tony)

Loki(dating peter)

Thor(dating bruce)

Bruce(dating thor)

Nat(dating pepper)

Pepper(dating nat)

Bucky(single/peter bestfriend)

Wanda(dating vision /like a sister to peter/brother pietro)

Vision(dating wanda)

Pietro(single/wanda twin brother/like a brother to peter)



Nicknames that peter uses



loki(baby/babe or green bean)

Thor (thunderman)

Bruce (big green)

nat(мама паук)(mama spider)

pepper (mom)

Bucky (winter)

Wanda (sis)

Vision (vis) 

Pietro (pi or bro)

Clint (hawky)

Sam (bird man) 

Nicknames for peter 

Tony (bambi/ underoos/kid)


Loki (babe/spidy/baby/sticky) sticky is an inside joke between peter and loki because he can stick to everything.

nat(маленький паук)

Pepper (pete)

Bruce (kid/pete)

Thor (man of spiders/pete)

Bucky (spidy/pete)

Clint sam Wanda vision and pietro (pete/peter)

Flash (penis parker/puny parker/parker)

word count:390
A/N part one will be posted by Monday

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