chapter 3

732 18 11

word count:610


When Peter and Loki got down stairs peter sat to the right of his pops next to his pops was his dad,mom,мама паук,Clint,Sam vision and Wanda,and next to peter was Loki Thor winter Peitro and Bruce.

His pops felt bad that no one believed penny about her internship so he made penny's favorite dinner, chicken parm.
(time skip halfway through dinner )

Peter thought no one knew about the field trip and wanted to keep it that way because he didn't want his family to embarrass him. Boy was he wrong.

"Bambi what's this field i'm hearing about." his dad ask before putting more food into his mouth peter choked on his food before looking up and saying "it's no big deal"

Clint asked where he was going even though he already knew.

Peter looked at Clint and saw a smirk on his face. Peter knew that Clint knew about his field trip and he made a metal note to get revenge on him.

"Were coming here " Peter mumbled no one could hear him except for Loki.

"Speak up I can't hear you where did you say you were going"Clint said

Peter look up and slightly shouted "I'M COMING HERE "

Everyone started to laugh and his dad said "only this would happen to you penny"

Peter cringe when heard his dad say penny all he wanted to do in that moment was get up and yell THAT'S NOT MY NAME but he was to scared to come out as trans to his family because he thought that they would reject him and not love him any more so he just stayed quiet and started eating again.

As soon as they stopped laughing he asked them to not embarrass him. His dad said "I promise I won't embarrass you but I can only speak for myself and your mom"in which she nodded in agreement to what Tony had said. He looked at everyone and in unison they all said "NOT A CHANCE" and Peter sighed. With all of them saying it all together it was loud and it started giving Peter a headache .Peter started squeezing Loki's thigh hard to tell him that he was about to have a sensory overload. Loki knew what he was saying because peter always did that when he was on the verge of one.Loki also knew exactly what to do and he got up and pulled peter with him and told F.r.i.d.a.y to activated sensory overload protocol in there room and he said it really low not to mess with peter,but loud enough that everyone heard it and felt bad because they were being loud . When Peter and Loki got into their room, Loki got Peter's headphones that help when he gets sensory overloads and put them on instantly Peter felt much better. Loki started walking to the closet to change when peter pulled him back and kissed him after 5 seconds Loki pulled away and asked "what was that for."

"thank you " peter replied

"For what baby"

"For taking care of me for no telling anyone my biggest secret and for loving me even after you knew my biggest secret" peter said this and a single tear ran down his face which Loki notice and kissed the tear away

"You don't have to thank me baby I will love you no matter-" before he could continue Peter kissed him again and they started making out and Peter was pulling Loki to the bed and they got on without breaking the kiss. Then after ten minutes of kissing Peter curled up into the side of his loving boyfriend and fell asleep to the sound of his heart beat. 

A/N sorry i haven't posted in like a week i been really busy and it is hard to find time to write but i will try to post more consistently ...... anyways please feel free to vote so that i know you guys are enjoying my book and comment any suggestions you might have i would love to hear what you guys think

-love your author 

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