Chapter 2

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word count:1,123


The bell to Peter's last class had just rang and Peter was excited to get to decathlon practice so he could hear the announcement . Peter tried to hurry to get to decathlon practice so that he didn't have to run into flash . When Peter got there there was no one else there except for Mj who was reading a book.

(time skip to the last five minutes of decathlon practice.)

"Okay class I have an announcement before everyone leaves'' Mr. Harrington said

When he said that the entire class got quiet and were waiting for him to start talking.

"Since we won our decathlon tournament we are going on a fieldtrip " the teacher said with a very excited tone in his voice. All the kids started cheering and started talking which was giving Peter a headache and not because he found these people annoying but because ever since he got bit by a radioactive spider and became spider man all his senses have been turned up to 11 and everyone yelling is ten times louder for him then a normal person . The teacher started to get everyone quiet again so that he could tell them where they were going.

"Okay class we are going to...............drum roll please............... Stark industries "Mr.Harrington said yelling with excitement.

Peter just dropped his head on the table and started groaning because he knows that his family is going to embarrass him when he goes.

"He penis ready for all of you lies to be exposed " flash said with an evil grin

"What are you talking about flash"peter said with a confused look on his face

"We all know that you are lying about the SI internship because one they only accept college graduates and 2 no one is going to want poor orphan peter "

"How many time do i have to tell you that i do have an SI internship"

"Whatever we will find out the truth soon en-

"I have a another announcement " the teacher said cutting off flash

"This will be an overnight field we will leave next week on Friday and then they will drop us off at school on Monday in the morning." Once Mr.Harrington finished talking all the kids started cheering again because they get to spend 3 days there. Peter started to groan again.

"You can't fake having an internship for 3 days Parker" flash said, pushing Peter as he was walking out of class.

"Ms. Parker please stay behind" Harrington said as Peter started leaving.

"Is something wrong Mr. Harrington "

"Look penny I understand the your aunt passed away recently and all the teacher haven't been giving you as hard of a time as they do other students but this lie about you having an internship at SI has got to stop and if you don't clear this up by the end of the field trip I will kick you off the decathlon team and have you suspended for spreading false rumors. Understood."

Peter didn't know what to say. He couldn't believe his teacher didn't believe him so he just mumbled "understood" and grabbed a permission slip and went to his locker to get his backpack. When Peter opened his locker he saw a green snake with a little gold crown. He knew that the snake was his boyfriend so he picked it up and put it around his neck and walked out to Happy's car. When Peter got inside he put the snake on the car seat and the snake turned back into Loki. When Happy saw that Loki was in the back seat he closed the divider so that they could have some privacy to talk. Loki kissed him and said "hi baby" "hi"peter said it a little and Loki could tell that something was wrong.

"What's wrong baby "

"I have a field trip to SI next week for 3 days and no one believes i even have and internship not even my teacher"

Loki then said "I'm sorry baby maybe this trip will prove it to them "

"I guess maybe"

"Come here " Loki said in a sweet voice.

Peter scooted over to where Loki was and Loki hugged him and peter just curled up in his side Loki didn't mind because he knew that peter felt safe and happy when they were like this.

It took an hour to get to the tower but peter was asleep next to Loki when they got there, so when Loki got out of the car he picked peter up and took him to the elevator he had to scan his badge to get into the elevator . When the elevator got to the penthouse everyone one was there and they saw that Loki was carrying Peter and they all got worried and rushed over to them.

Tony said "is she okay"

Loki said "yeah he is fine he has just had a long day and he fell asleep in the car. I'm going to go put him in our bed and then we need to talk Okay."

Tony look confused as to why they need to talk but said "Okay"

Loki put peter down and when Loki turned to leave peter grabbed his wrist and said "stay please"

"I need to talked to you dad but i will be back in 5 minutes and then we can cuddle okay"

A mumbled "Okay" was all he could hear as he walked out the room.

When he got back to the living room Tony asked "what is going on" Loki looked at Tony and said "she has a field trip here next week and nobody believes that she has an internship here not even her teacher."

"Maybe we could have some of the interns ask penny for help with there projects in front of his class to prove that he works here and maybe some other things " Tony said trying to help the situation.

"Yeah maybe calls us down when dinners ready" Loki said as he was walking back to his and peter's room.

"K" Steve said as he and buck walked to the kitchen to start on dinner

Loki got back to the room and climbed in behind Peter but Peter turned around so that he was half laying on Loki.

(time skip to when dinner is ready)

Nat walked into Peter and Loki's room to wake them up and saw them all cuddled up and asked Friday to take a picture and send it to everyone.

Nat then walked over to them and shook them awake.

Peter woke and asked "whats going on"

"Dinner time маленький паук"


Peter then got up and woke Loki up and they went downstairs to eat dinner......... 

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