Chapter 9

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@GaryBateman thanks for the motivation to finish chapter 9
peter turned around to face loki and he said

peter: I thought I told you no cuddles because you didn't want to help me in the elevator .

loki: I don't care what you said your sad I am going to comfort you.

peter broke down crying again and pushed his face into lokis chest he started crying again because he felt like he didn't deserve how kind loki was to him, but loki just laid there squeezing him and whispering sweet nothings in his ear until peter eventually fell asleep in his arms.

time skip to day 2 of the field trip

when peter woke up he noticed that loki wasn't in bed with him any more so he went looking for him and found him in the kitchen making him breakfast.
Peter: aww your making me breakfast
Loki:of course I am sticky.
peter then proceeded to blush really hard while sitting at their kitchen table. loki put a plate of food in front of him that had eggs bacon sasauge pancakes and hashbrowms. now normally you would think that thats a lot of food for one person but for peters fast metabolism he could eat triple of what one person could eat. now peter only had about half an hour before he had to meet the rest of his class downstairs. Peter was worried for what would happen after breakfast because he overheard what the tour guide said when she was talking to Mr.harrington so he knew that they were going down to the avengers training room.
he was worried because with his luck all the avengers would be down there training and he normally trains alone because he gets dysmorphic around others so if he went to go train with his class he wouldn't be able to where his binder. Peter was so deep in thought that he didn't hear loki calling his name. when he snapped out of it he looked at loki and said
Peter: what happened
Loki: nothing just want to remind you that you still need to go get ready and you only have ten mintues until you need to be with the rest of your class.
peter thought lokk was crazy but when he look at the time he realized twenty minutes had passed since he woke up at 8. so he finished the rest of his food and rushed to get ready to go meet his class. when he got down there us was 8:40 and the rest of his class was waiting for him and his teacher got mad because he was suppose to be there at 8:30 and he's 10 minutes late.
Mr.harrington: I thought I told you to be here at 8:30
Peter: I'm sorry sir it won't happen again
Mr.harrington: it better not because the next time you late I'm giving you 2 days of detention when we get back to school
Peter: ok
Mr.harrington was going to say something else but he was cut of by the tour guide coming in.
April: sorry everyone I'm late It seams that my alarm didn't go off therfore I didn't wake up on time,but I did my best to rush and get here. so should we continue on with the tour.
April: ok everyone follow me I'll take you guys to the caffiteria where you guys can get breakfast and then we'll head to the avengers training room. sound good.
Everyone: yes
all peter could do was walk behind everyone else so that they didn't see the face he was making at the thought of having to go to the avengers training room

peter parker field trip to SIWhere stories live. Discover now