Chapter 5

604 17 7

word count:628

 if you guys have suggest please comment down below i am running out of then


(Time skip to arriving to stark industries)

The bus pulled up to Stark Industries and everyone started getting off the bus. Peter was the last one out of the bus.

They all started walking inside the building and peter started looking around for his badge and he couldn't find it then he realized that he left it in his room he sighed and step away from the group to make a phone call

(on the phone)

"Hey babe do you think you can bring my badge down i left it in the room on the desk"

"Sure I will be down in 3 minutes"

"Love you "

"Love you to"

(end of call)

As Peter got off the phone the tour guide was coming down with their visitor pass.

"Hello everyone my name is April Rodriguez and i will be you tour guide today so let me know if you have any questions."

Every one said "okay"

"If i call you name please come up and get you badge"


"Tyler "

"And finally flash."

Everyone got their badge and flash notice that peter didn't get so he said something

"Miss tour guide Penny did get a badge" she looked around and her eyes landed on Peter and April was one of the new interns so she didn't recognize peter. "Okay it seems that we didn't get enough badges and i am going to go get another one"

Peter then said "don't worry about it i have my own badge"

"Sorry kid but SI doesn't have internships for high school students" just as Peter was going to respond but Loki came out of the elevator and walked right up to the group. Peter saw him and walked right up to him everyone started whispering as to why Peter needed to talk to an avenger.

"Hey did you bring it"

"Of course i did " Loki then gave peter the badge and gave peter a kiss everyone looked shocked as to why peter was kissing him that is when the teacher said something .

"Ms. Parker please leave the avenger alone and get back into the line"

"This is actually my boyfriend Mr. Harrington" the just laughed and said "very funny Ms. Parker but please stop lying"

"I'm not lying sir."

"Listen to me young lady lying isn't going to get you anywhere and the longer you keep lying the more punishment you're going to get at school ." Loki was get mad that the teacher didn't believe that peter was his boyfriend so he decided to step up and say something

"Sorry but Penny is my girlfriend so if you can please leave her alone that would be great" Loki looked at Peter and mouthed sorry because he knew Peter hated being called Penny but Loki didn't know if he had come out at school yet.the teacher then said "it's alright you don't need to cover for this her "

"I'm not covering why would I let her kiss me if we weren't dating. She is my girlfriend and I love her more than anything." Peter walked over and said "I love you too" and kissed him. Loki told the teacher that he was going to be staying with the tour since he wanted to be with Peter in case anything happened. Loki then put his arm around Peter and Peter put his head in the crook of Loki's neck and they walked to the scanners . peter loved that Loki was going to stay with him but he was scared what was going to happen if flash were to say something stupid


A/N sorry for taking so long to post i just started in person full time and i has been really stressful tiring and long but i will try to post one next week maybe .

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