chapter 10

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hey yall sorry for just disappearing on everyone ik i kept saying that a chapter would be posted soon and never was so i'm sorry i have been really busy and stressed with my junior year of high school and as of yesterday i am officially done with this year and i'm now a senior 🥳🥳 and now i'm on summer break so hopefully ill post more but actually their is only going to be one more chapter after this and i honesty can't believe that my first book is coming to an end soon and this experience has been one of the best and i can't thank you guys enough for actually reading this and i will forever be grateful and appreciative to you guys. [ove yall and you guys im so exicted for the last chapter you guys are not going to believe what happening i already have a plan on how i want to end thing i actually have two one sad and one thats happy so let me know in the comments what you guys want.

word count 1229

time skip to after breakfast
peter pov
As we headed down to the training area I was praying that none of the Avengers were there.
3rd pov
little did Peter know that all the Avengers were there
Peter's POV
Once I got to the training room and saw all the Avengers in the room I knew something was about to go down.
3rd POV
Natasha introduced herself to the group
Nat: hey guys my name is Natasha and we are going to be teaching you guys some different ways to defend yourself and how to fight. We a going to have different stations where you guys can go to learn different things. Steve do you want to take over
Steve: sure. Okay, these are the different stations me and nat are doing combat training. Clint is going to be doing archery training. Thor is going to be doing endurance training and loki is going to show you how to fight with knives does that sound exciting
Everyone: yes
everyone got split into groups peter, mj, ned, flash and brad are starting with natasha and steve then going to loki and betty, tyler, jason, sebastian and kenneth are staring with clint then going to thor
tour guide: is everyone ok with their groups
flash: why do i have to be in a group with peter
Peter's mind connecting to Loki's mind: did everyone hear flash calling me that. I hope they didn't hear because I don't want anyone to know yet because what if they don't accept me.
loki's mind connected with peter: don't' worry i don't' think any even heard what he said don't worry my love everything is going to be okay and even if they find out they are still going to love and support you no matter what
peter's mind: are you sure
loki's mind: yes my love i'm positive
peter's mind: ok i want to tell them after everyone leave from this trip
Loki's mind: ok my love and i'll by your side the entire time ok i love you... now go get into your group and focus on steve and natasha
peter's mind: fine "eye roll" and i love you too
loki's mind: don't roll your eyes at me
peter's mind: why whatcha gonna do about it
Loki's mind : i'll punish you
peters mind : ooh sounds fun and kinky
Lokis's mind: just pay attention
Peter's mind: fine
tony's mind : why did that kid call penny peter
with natasha's group
Natasha: okay today we are going to be learning some simple hand to hand combat i need a volunteer to come and be our tester
everyone raised their hand except peter so naturally natasha chose peter
natasha: Come on penny, get up here and show everybody how its done.
peter mind: god why did she have to pick me
peter gets onto the mat and gets into position and he and naatasha start fighting they are like a well oiled machine they both are getting punches in and everyone is staring at them in shock especially flash
peter finally knocks natasha down and steve calles the match then both peter and natasha stand up and they stand in front of everyone
flash: how did you do that you never fight back when i hit you
steve and natasha: EXCUSE ME
peter is just standing there completely shocked and not saying anything while everyone looks at him
steve: penny what do you mean he hits
peter: ummm
Soon everyone starts gathering around Peter, Natasha, Steve and flash. loki stands behind peter and holds him because he know that peter is starting to feel very overwhelmed and he doesn't what peter to start panicking
Loki whispering in Peter's ear : everything is going to be okay. just breathe
peter just nods his head
tony walks to the front of he crowd
tony: penny would you like to explain what this kid is talking about
peter: Not really, I mean he didn't even mean what he said.
flash: what is going on why do they even care what's going on with you
peter: Can we just forget this and move on.
tony: attention people of earth we are going to be cutting this trip short today will be your guys last day here we are going to finish the tour with a Q&A and then you guys are going to be packing up your stuff and going back home you guys are going to have 45 minutes to change and meet us in multipurpose room 5 do i make myself clean
everyone: yes
tony: oh and if you want someone to blame for your trip being cut short blame your buddy flash. Penny please stay behind.
everyone just kinda stays standing around and not moving
After Tony screams everyone starts to scramble to the elevator. after everyone is gone tony turns towards peter
tony; Penny what's going on and don;t you dare try to lie or cover it up because we already know that this boy is bullying you. so how come you didn't tell us
peter: I don't know, I knew that I could handle it and I didn't want anybody else to get hurt.
everyone was thinking about how peter was to good for this world and that he doesn't deserve to get bullied especially with all the good that he does with being spiderman
peter: imma go and cuddle with loki for a little bit before we meet you guys in the multi-purpose room ok
everyone: yeah ok that's fine.
so that's what peter does he drags loki to the couch and he pushes loki onto it and lays right on top of him and curls around him like a koala and close his eyes
loki: are you okay my love
peter: im ok im just a little tired that whole situation overwhelmed me and made me tired so i think i'm going to close my eyes for a little bit would that be ok
loki: Yes, my love. I love holding you and protecting you and making you feel safe.
if peter hadn't already melt into loki when he layed down he definitely would now
peter just falls asleep with a smile on his face

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 09, 2023 ⏰

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