Chapter 6

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word count: 589


Everyone was getting ready to walk through the scanner. Peter was nervous because he had the highest clearance level. Flash of course pushed through everyone to get to the front of the line he was the first one to go through.when he walked through f.r.i.d.a.y announced his name ,clearance level and if he had any unauthorized weapons. Peter was at the end with Loki and as he walked through Friday said "Penny Parker level 10 clearance authorized personnel " everyone was staring at Peter and he just put his head down.he was glad that his dad changed his last name Peter was definitely not ready for people to know he was adopted. April clapped her hands and got everyone's attention and said "okay class so first we are going to go to the avengers museum and you guys are going to be able to look around for about 45 minutes after that you guys are going to lunch.follow me please." After that everyone followed her to the elevator and it was a big elevator so no one was squished. Peter was next to Loki and his head was on Loki's shoulder and Loki had an arm around his waist

As the elevator stopped at the museum everyone was so excited .Ned drag peter Loki and Mj to the iron man exhibit Ned was bouncing up and down he was excited he had been to the tower many times but he had never been in the avengers they were going to leave for another exhibit Ned saw a spider-girl display and he grabbed peters are and dragged him over peter was both excited and scared because each display comes with a list of fun facts of the person and he was scared to see what his dad wrote on him. Loki walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around peters waist and buried his face in his neck and mumbled "do you like it" since peter has super hearing it came clear as day peter said "of course i like it i'm not even a real avenger and being considered one is awesome ." Loki saw Peter's eyes gloss over so he kissed his cheek and tried to change the subject by reading the description .The description says " fun facts: spider-girl is actually deathly afraid of spiders."

Some of them laughed and Ned said " are you really scared of spiders?" Peter just said " well yeah when a spider bites you and then you get sick for a week and then it gives you super strength and can stick to walls you tend not to like spiders anymore." Ned just said "I guess you're right" Loki went back to reading " fun fact : if you scare spider-girl in the middle of the night and they are eating a bowl of cereal they will jump on the ceiling and not spill a drop of milk." another fun fact is that spider-girl has a sixth sense that will alert her of danger and we like to call it her spidey tingle" and with that peter groan and said " can we go that was so embarrassing .i don't know why he put that he knows i hate it when he calls it that"

April came back into the room after 45 minutes and said "time for lunch."And with that Peter was following everyone back to the elevator to go to the cafeteria he was most definitely scared for what was going to come next... 

peter parker field trip to SIWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu