Chapter 7

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As Peter and his classmates were going to the cafeteria Peter could feel that something was going to happen but he just tried to ignore it. When they got there the tour guide said "the food is free so help yourselves."

So all the kids got in line to get food. With Peter's fast metabolism he eats triple what everyone does and is always hungry . When it was his turn he was just piling food onto his tray . He didn't want anyone to see how much food he had so he rushed to one of the back tables with Loki so no one would see him.

(time skip 20 mins.)

Peter had just finished his mountain of food and there were still 15 minutes left of lunch so he was resting his head on Loki's shoulder, Until he heard a noise coming from above him in the vents.Peter already knew it was Clint in the vents because who else would it be. His spidey sense was tingling and he took a huge step back and was counting back from three "3............ 2............... 1" and Clint came out of the vents and landed on the floor. When Clint got he said "he penny how's it going"

Peter was a little mad that Clint showed up to embarrass hims so he said "what are you doing here"

Clint then said "I'm just here to make sure everything is going okay and your dad needs to talk to Loki"

"Okay fine i will tell him. Now can you please leave."

"Okay fine I'm leaving ."

Peter turned around to go back to his class when he saw all of his classmates looking at him with their jaws hanging open. Then flash said "how do you know hawkeye huh parker i bet that wasn't even him you just paid someone who looked like him to come and pretend to like you. You are pathetic, you know that Parker. Loki had already left to go talk to Peter's dad so he wasn't there when flash yelled at him.


After I found out that Stark needed to talk to me I went to the elevator to see him. When i got there I said "whats up you asked for me" and tony said "yeah everything is fine i just wanted to see if everything was going good." Loki was about to say that everything is fine when Friday said "mister stark it appears that a Eugene "flash Thompson is currently yell at peter and calling him pathetic" this made tony and Loki so mad tony was going to say that they needed to come up with a plan of action but when he was going to say that Loki had already disappeared.

' I can't believe that I'm gone for 5 minutes and this little prick is already bullying peter. Well I'm going to show him' and just like that he was back in the lunchroom


I saw Loki appear out of nowhere and he looked mad when I realized that Friday must have sent the footage of flash yelling at him to his dad. So without wasting time he walked up to Loki and was trying to calm him down. As peter was calming Loki down with sweet kisses and his his big brown doe eyes Loki said "why do you let him treat you like this " peter said " because i can take it and i have super healing some people can't take and most definitively don't have super healing and what if i do stand up for myself and push back what if he moves onto someone else .I can't let anyone else get hurt over something that should be happening to me. Can you please just leave him alone" Loki just sighed and said "fine". Mean while tony was upstairs planing with the rest of them team on what to do on this flash person

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