chapeter 4

663 15 4

word count : 594 


(time skip to the morning of the field trip)

Peter did not want to get out of bed. He wanted to stay in bed all day because he did not want to go on his field trip. But after Loki peppered him with kisses and begged him to get out of bed he reluctantly did. Peter grumbled as he got up to go brush his teeth and get ready for the day.peter didn't both packing because he did not see a point to packing when he was just going to go back to the tower and he already knew that everyone was going to find out he lived there so he just didn't care anymore.after peter finished getting ready him and Loki walked to the kitchen to get breakfast when he got there he saw his pop making his favorite pancakes.

"Morning penny"Steve called from the kitchen .

"Morning pops" peter called with a slightly annoyance in his voice from being called penny

His dad then walked in and asked . "Are you excited for you field trip" "no"peter replied

His dad chuckled and said "don't worry everything will be fine." peter then said "I'm not worried about you I'm worried about Clint and Sam" Clint popped out of the vent where you could hear the entire conversation and then said "you should be''

Peter sighed then walked out with Loki to happy's car.

(time skip getting to school)

Peter was in the back seat cuddled up to Loki waiting for everyone to be outside because that is where he was told to meet his class.

Loki then looked at his sad boyfriend curled up into his side and slide a finger under his chin and made him look up and said "don't worry everything will be fine and if you want I can transform into a snake and come with " peter just nodded said that he didn't have to and that he was going to be fine. Loki wanted to do something to make Peter feel better so he conjured up his favorite hoodie that he knew Peter would like and told him to take off the hoodie he already had on so he could put the one in his hand on him.

Peter agreed to put Loki's hoodie on because he loved wearing Loki's clothes because they always made him feel safe and made him feel like he was being engulfed in a hug by Loki.

Peter kissed Loki and said goodbye to him as he was getting out of the car to walk over to the bus

Peter sighed as he saw happy and Loki drive but he could smell Loki from their hoodie and that made him calm down a little .

"Hey look it's tranny penny" flash had outed peter to the school and peter was pissed because he wasn't ready for anyone to find out only his boyfriend and his best friends knew and he wanted to keep it that way but of course when flash found out all hell broke loose. Peter looked at flash and said "that's no my name"

Flash said "well I am not calling you peter because that's a guy name and you're not a guy are you penis" flash started calling him penis when peter tried packing and it fell out . Peter just tried to ignore it and got on the bus he knew that this was going to be a long weekend. 



the next chapter will start the field trip

-love your author

peter parker field trip to SIWhere stories live. Discover now