Chapter Seven

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I wanted to be surprised by her statement. I wanted to laugh in her face and slam my door. If Jack was smart, he would not be her boyfriend. He would not even dare go on a date with her. I swear that Alexis is a snake in a human body. I take it back. Snakes are friendlier.

"I would rather be friends with a snake," I mumbled as I followed my sister to the front door. "Wish that I had a snake for a pet. I would teach it to bite Alexis because she needs a reality check. A fictional reality check."

I heard whimpering and leaned to the side. I could not believe what I was witnessing. It was Olive. She was on her feet and rubbing her hands on the door. The noises were coming from her. She was whimpering. But why?

It is bad enough that Alexis hates my guts. She loathes our baby sister too. At first, I assumed that she did not like infants. I understand somebody not liking infants. They can be obnoxious at times. They will leave messes in their diapers and cry. You have to keep your eyes on them at all times so they will not be in danger.

Who wants a cutie pie like Olive to suffer? But we need to remember that it is not their fault that they are what they are. They do not know any better.

Alexis motioned for Olive to go away. "Step away from the door, you stupid baby. My life depends on Jack. He needs to know how I feel about him."

"We just met him, Alexis," I pointed out. "I would wait until we get to know him. Would you like if a boy came to you and asked you out, and you had no clue who the heck he was? It would be awkward. Super awkward."

"Only if he was as ugly as heck. But do not be jealous. I am sure that you will find a guy as ugly as you."

I frowned and tugged on my hair again. "The only folks who are ugly are ones with a rotten heart. You have got that down, Alexis. Your heart is so rotten that everyone can smell it. It is why no boy stays with you."

She must have not liked the truth because she slapped the back of my head. I let out a cry and rubbed the spot and threatened to tell our parents. Olive gazed up at us and whimpered louder. Alexis picked her up and threw her on the couch. The infant bounced on the couch and was now on her belly. She giggled and kicked.

It was my turn to smack Alexis in the back of the head. Words cannot describe how mad I was. I wanted to get Alexis and throw her onto the couch. See how she likes it. Throw her so hard that her beauty disappears. What am I saying? Alexis does not have beauty. She is ugly.

Alexis growled and patted the back of her head. "What was that for? Why did you hurt me like a crazy person? You could have messed up my makeup."

"Bull," I responded as I rolled my eyes. "No amount of makeup will cover your ugly heart. Until it changes for the better - until you change - you will remain ugly."

She flipped her hair. "You are only saying that because you are jealous. I can get the guys."

"Why would I be jealous of a witch?" I hurried to Olive. "Are you okay, baby girl? Did she hurt you?"

Olive spread out her little arms and legs and pretended to be a plane.

"Do you want to be an airplane when you grow up?"

She nodded and laughed.

"Idiot baby," Alexis said. "She cannot be some airplane because she is a human. Humans cannot be planes."

"We can if we use our imagination."

"Are you not too old to use imagination?"

"Imagination has no limit unless that you are mentally ill."

Alexis grabbed the doorknob and pulled open the door and snickered. "When I return, I will have a handsome boy by my side. What will you do then?"

"Grieve for the boy because he will be dead."

She lifted her head and stormed out. I wanted to follow her to warn Jack. I did not want him to be a victim. He would die from the moment that he heard Alexis. But I did not want to leave Olive alone in the living room. So I picked her up and chased after Alexis. She was on the sidewalk and scanning the neighborhood.

"I see that you want to tag along for the ride, sis. Now, where do you think that Jack lives? Which house is the most attractive?"

Our sister pointed at the house next to ours. It was not like the others. It resembled an abandoned house. The paint peeled off, and there were shingles missing from the roof. Even the plants in front of the home were not good because they were dead. As I looked at the plants, I noticed a person watering. I do not know why he was. Those plants were dead. I squinted at him and realized that it was Jack. He had his back to us and was feeding the plants the water.

"I think that I know where he lives," I announced. "He resides in that house." I pointed to the old house.

"Are you out of your mind, Janice? A boy as handsome as Jack would not live in an ugly house like that."

I pointed at Jack. "Then why is he watering the plants? He has to live there."

"Jack desires money, so he is watering those plants for the neighbor."

"But money is illegal in Forlot."

Jack finished watering and walked to the porch. Alexis and I called to him, but he did not hear us. He scurried into the old house.

Forlot: Welcome to the Dummy House - Book Forty-OneWhere stories live. Discover now