Chapter Fourteen

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What is worse than one dummy? Two dummies. What is worse than two dummies? How about an army? This army of dummies and dolls. I can see it now. I actually do not want to see such an army. I did not desire to be paranoid. But no reason to be. I am dreaming. Not like that I will encounter hundreds of puppets - right?

The dummy in the suit glanced to his right - my right - and motioned with his hand. He was motioning for the other dummy to come over. I did not realize that it was a dummy until I saw him. I wanted to shout for help. I wanted to scream until my chest ached. The mafia doll was correct. I was not in a dream. The idea was setting in. My breath caught in my throat.

I was not in some dream. I was stuck in a nightmare. It was real. The nightmare was all too real.

"This...this cannot be happening," I choked out. "There cannot be two living dummies, let alone one. I...I think that I am losing it."

"I agree with you - for once."

I uttered a gasp. I recognized the voice. I forced myself to raise my head. I clenched my teeth and groaned as I did so. I would not be surprised if I was brought to that hospital. The Forlot hospital is the only one in town. At least that they own a hospital. I prayed that puppet did not break any bones. He was the one who pulled me. It was his fault. I was in this mess because of him. How I wanted to punch his face. He was the reason why I was in pain. I wanted to pick the dummy up and throw him across the gym. I was that mad.

I blinked once. Twice. Standing in front of me was her. My sister. She cradled her supplies in her arm and was frowning at me. She could easily be mistaken for Mom.

My gosh! Why did I make that comparison? Now I can never get the image out of my head!

Alexis flipped her hair and said, "Why are you lying on the floor?" She rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Are you trying to embarrass me?"

"A-Alexis?" I surveyed the gym for those dummies, but they were nowhere to be found. "W-where did they go? Where did those blasted dummies go?"

"The only dummy around here is you, Janice. My gosh. I cannot have Jack know that I am related to you. If he does, he will break up with me."

What a drama queen.

"How can Jack break up with you when you are not his girlfriend? He just asked you on a date."

"I will be his girlfriend after this date. I can feel it. Just think of it. We will become a couple. He will be mine. I will be all his. I will have the hottest man by my side. I cannot wait until he proposes to me!"

I rolled my eyes. "You think that you can help me up? I am in so much pain."

Alexis bent down and put her hands on her knees. "But you do not look like that you are in pain."

I hissed. "Looks...can be deceiving."

A mischievous grin spread across her face. "Maybe you are faking it."

I could not believe what came out of her mouth. "D-did you just say that I am faking? I am faking the pain?"

She straightened her back and dusted off her dress. "It is apparent. I also know why you are faking."

"I am serious, Alexis. If I were not faking, then I would get on my feet and kick you where it hurts the most."

"Let me guess, sis. You will kick me where the sun does not shine."

"Nope. I will—"

I was suddenly cut off by a voice. A male voice. Him. It was none other than Jack. He walked in with his hands in the pockets of his pants. Gosh. He was as handsome as yesterday. Possibly more. And Jack was going to see me in this condition. Fantastic. Now the only guy that I like will never take me on a date. I do not blame him. I mean, who wants to date somebody who has problems standing? I am a mess.

Jack now stood next to Alexis. "Good morning, girls. It has been a crazy morning."

He can say that again.

"Getting up early and being the new kids in school. But do not worry. You ladies will fit right in. I am sure of it. Maybe you will find your soulmate. It just feels great to be with the person who loves you back. They make you have purpose. Know what I mean?"

I rolled my eyes again when Jack planted a kiss on her cheek. Then he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close. I could not take it. This made me sick to my stomach. Now this was a horror movie. She does not deserve him. I may or may not deserve such a man, but Alexis did not. She will dump him the moment that she finds something wrong with him. My sister desires the perfect guy, but it could not be Jack.

Should I find a way to break them up? I should not. As much as I did not want to, I had to let them make their own choices. I had to be the better sister. No way did I want to be another Alexis. One is enough.

Jack pulled away from my sister. "You should probably get going," he said as he straightened out his jacket. "I do not want you to be late to class. Our date is tonight, and I do not want you to be a hostage of this school."

She squealed and hugged him.

Suddenly, I shouted, "There you are!"

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