Chapter Thirty-Nine

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I followed Owen downstairs with my sister in my arms. She was occupied by a toy in her hands and cooing. We reached the bottom, and I shushed her. She glanced up at me and covered her mouth. I nodded and kissed her forehead. I am blessed to have her as my sister. What I am not blessed about is having psychos as neighbors. I would send Jack away if it was him. I would not fall for his tricks.

"I will not give in," I said. "I will not give in."

"Janice," Owen whispered. "Would you like to look? Or should I?"

I hesitated. " you mind?" My body was quivering. I held Olive close. "I-I am scared that Jack will break the window and grab me. H-he loves me...but it is not love. It is lust. And I am done with...what are you doing?"

Owen was flipping through a book. "Skimming a book. It is from the Forlot series."

"Where did you get it?"

"It appeared in my hands while you were chatting. It is your story. I am finding chapter forty."

"Why? We have not gotten there yet."

"I need to know if you and Jack get together."

"And why would we get together? The writer would not pair me up with a selfish guy. I deserve better."

He stopped flipping and looked at me. "You had better not fall in love with me - because I love another girl."

"I knew that you loved Anita."


We jumped to more knocks. They were louder than the last. I recognized the person's voice and dragged Owen away from said window. It was none other than Jack. I checked the wooden door and uttered a horrified gasp. It was unlocked - and opened a crack. The hairs on the back of my neck stood when Jack poked his head in.

"Janice. I need to talk to you. Please. It is important."

I shoved Olive in Owen's hands and raced to said door. I pushed out Jack's head and tried shutting the door. It was blocked by his foot. He put a hand on the doorway and begged me to give him a chance. I told him that he was out of chances and warned him to stay away. Then I stomped on his foot. I did not care if I hurt him. I was protecting me, Owen, and my family.

A yelp escaped Jack's mouth as he pulled back his foot. "Okay. I deserve that."

"You deserve so much more," I said. "Now leave before I have the cops arrest you."

"You would not do that to your true love."

I flashed him a sickening glare. "You stopped being my true love when you showed your true colors. Jack does not exist. The Jack that I just a figment of my imagination."

We stopped struggling when he said, "You are right. So right."

That was unexpected.

"You agree with me? I mean, you should agree. Anyone with brains would. How dare you lie to me and pretend to be my friend. How dare you turn Alexis into a doll. I may not like her, but I would never keep her on a shelf. She is a human being, not a doll."

"That is why I have come."

"You want her back on that shelf?"

"I do not want her. I want to help her - and you. I want to turn her back to her normal form. I will be fast...and you will never see me again."

I crossed my arms. "How can I know that is not a lie? I cannot trust you. Not after what you have done."

Jack reached in his jacket and took out a black object. I staggered back when I made it out. It was a handgun. I was paralyzed with fear. I had no clue what to do.

Was he going to kill me? And Owen? And my family?

I was about to slam the door when he held out the gun. I gazed at the gun. Then back at him. "It is pointing the wrong way."

"Take it, Janice."


"So you can shoot me."

Forlot: Welcome to the Dummy House - Book Forty-OneWhere stories live. Discover now