Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Of course, she is missing," Jack stated. "We have her." He sounded proud. Jack was proud of what he told me. He was proud that he had my sister.

My eyes widened when he said it. I could not answer. I had to process it. I had to repeat the words in my mind until I pieced them together. I tried to pretend like that I was fine. I did not want Jack to see me this way. But I could not hold it in.

What did I expect? I am weak. I am a weak girl. If I can crush on a handsome guy, how can I pretend like that I am alright? That all is well? I wish that I decided to not do this. I wish that I was in my bedroom so I could cry. I do not want Jack to see me cry. I want to spare him.

I was so focused on my thoughts and anxiety that I did not realize it. I was staggering back and let out a yelp. I reached the end of the porch and fell back. Thank gosh that Jack was there. He hurried to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. His face was close to mine. I put my hands on his arms and felt my cheeks getting hot.

"I-is it hot out here...or is it just me?" I said.

Darn it, Janice! Why did you say that? No wonder that you have not had a boyfriend. You are an idiot. Now he will know. He will know that you like him.

Jack smirked and pulled me up. "You okay, Janice?"

I smoothed out my hair. "Yeah. Thanks for the save."

"You should be more careful where you are stepping. It would be sad if a girl as special as you injured yourself. I would have to visit the hospital every day to see you."

Special? Did he call me special?

I gazed into his eyes as I brushed my hair strands away from mine. I could not stop smiling. " want to visit me?"

"I will visit you whenever you like. I prefer to stay in. I am not an outdoor person, but outside is the only way to meet new folks. I am glad that I am pushing myself. Otherwise, I would not have met you. You are unique." He took my hand and kissed the top of it. "I can see it."

I sighed happily. I thought that I would melt. Melt like butter. He kissed me. He kissed my hand, but I am still counting it. I looked at my hand. Then back at him. No longer was I upset. I still felt his soft lips on my hand. I tilted my head to the side and raised an eyebrow. I was wondering why Jack kissed me. He dated Alexis. It was one date, but still. I prayed that Jack was not a cheater. I do not want him to cheat on Alexis with me. Man, she would hate it. Being cheated on with unattractive me.

I pulled my hand away and tugged on my fingers. "Can I ask you a question, Jack?"

"Absolutely, Janice. You can ask me anything. No need to ask permission. We are friends after all." He laid his hand on my cheek. "We are friends, right?"

I was blushing so much that I was ready for my head to explode. I was blessed that it never happened. It would have been nightmare fuel for poor Jack. He stroked my cheek with his thumb and stated how I was different. I was different from Alexis and all the other girls that he came across. I was surprised. Did it mean that Jack did not love Alexis?

I grasped his hand and pried it off my face. He smirked and squeezed my hand. Then he asked if I did not want this. If I was uncomfortable with him touching me.

"Tell me, Janice. Tell me, and I will back off. I assumed that this is what you wanted. You wanted me to give all the attention to you, not to your sister."

I swallowed hard and looked down at my shoes. "Y-you know?"

He chuckled. "Of course. I knew this entire time. From the moment that we met. From the moment that I saw your beautiful eyes."

I smiled without realizing it. My legs trembled beneath me. I managed to keep my balance. "My gosh. think that my eyes...are beautiful?"

"I do not think. I know." He pulled me close to him. "It was a nightmare being with your sister."

"You mean Alexis?"

"Yes. I like you and your other sister. What is her name again?"


"Ah. Olive. By the way, I was kidding about Alexis. I do not have her. My family and I do not have her. I swear, Janice."

"I...I believe you." I pushed myself away. "I need to tell you something. I am afraid that you will not like it. But I swear that it was not my decision."

Jack was confused at first. Then he sighed and rested a hand on my shoulder. "It is alright, Janice. It is alright. I already know. I am not mad at you."

I was stunned. " know?"

"I know all about the police's plan to get me to confess. But it is pointless when I have nothing to confess. I am sorry that your sister is missing. I really am. But I have nothing to do with it. I mean it."

I nodded. "I know that you mean it."

"I would be mad at you going along with this plan...but I know that you had no choice. They would never allow you to come over here if you did not wear a bulletproof vest. How ridiculous. I do not even own a gun."

"You...are so smart."

"Why do you not come inside, Janice? Please?"

Forlot: Welcome to the Dummy House - Book Forty-OneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant