Chapter Eight

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As if the house had eaten him, Jack vanished into said home. We heard the hinges on the door as it shut. Now that was weird. We were pretty loud, so why did he not hear us? Unless that this guy was ignoring us. But why would he? Why would he ignore us? Was he just faking it? Was he pretending to like us?

I would not be shocked. Who would like me to be their friend? I am not a terrible friend. I am not interesting. I must be the most boring girl in the world. But I could care less about what others think of me. I love me. God made me this way, and I am no mistake. Creating dolls is not a sin - unless that the dolls are evil.

Alexis was offended by Jack's behavior and gritted her teeth. She clenched her fists and said, "I cannot believe that jerk. How dare he ignore us. What does he take us for? Cattle?"

I was playing with Olive's hair. "So now Jack is a jerk. I assumed that you were attracted to Jack and wanted to ask him out."

"Not if he has an attitude like that. Wait a minute. Now I understand why he did not hear us."

"What makes you think that you would know?"

She jabbed a finger in my chest. "I am older than Olive and you. Since that I am the older sister, I am a genius. I am smarter and wiser than you two."

If glares could kill, mine would have killed her. "Oh my gosh. That was so much bull that I have to admire how stupid you are."

She poked my nose - hard. "I told you that I am wise. I am so wise and smart that it kills me."

I tucked a hair strand behind my ear. "Sis, it is already killing me. It should stop before it infects Olive. She is too cute to be listening to your garbage. Right, Olive?"

What happened next caught me and Alexis by surprise. Olive jumped out of my arms and fell on the grass. She quickly got on her hands and knees and scurried to the old house. Alexis and I looked at each other. Then back at our baby sister.

Alexis stomped her foot. "Janice, what are you waiting for? An invitation? Get her!"

"Why do I have to get her? Why can you not step up to be the big sister and take her in your arms? She would love that. She would love to bond with her other sister. You should give it a try."

"You know who I would love to bond with? Jack."

I screamed as she placed her hands on me and pushed me. She pushed me so hard that I fell back on the grass and scraped my hand. I hissed and held up my hand to my face. Yep. A cut was on my palm. Thankfully, it was not deep, and blood was not coming out.

A wave of anger washed over me. I was angry with her. So angry with my stupid sister. I wanted to fight her. I wanted to pull her onto the grass and show her who is boss. I could not take it anymore. I could not take it. At least that my parents know how she acts.

"Look what you just did," I said. I showed her my hand and sat up. "Look what you did!"

"Look at what I did? You brought it upon yourself. You scraped your hand."

I clenched my teeth and rose. "Just wait until I tell Dad and Mom about this. You will clean for a whole week!"


I turned around and locked my eyes on Olive. She was on the porch and attempting to stand on her little feet. She pouted and finally succeeded. She strolled towards the front door and knocked. Well, she did not knock. It was more of a slap. A bunch of slaps. Olive slapped her hands on the door and cooed.

I finally got my legs to move and scurried to the porch. Too late. The door opened...

...and a monster grabbed her.

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