Chapter Sixteen

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I feared for my life. Never thought that I would fear for my life. I also never thought that I would witness some walking and talking puppets, but here we are. Perhaps that is what Forlot meant. Anything can happen in this town. It does explain why the sky is purple.

"Purple skies are not the only stuff that you will view in this life," I heard a man's voice say. It was cold. As cold as ice. And it sounded close to me. Like that a man had whispered in my ear!

I do not know if it was because I was freezing or afraid, but I was uncomfortable. Sitting on a cold floor did not help. My teeth chattered without me realizing it as this shiver went down my spine. It was unlike any chill that I have felt. It was as if their hand ran down my back. A person ran their hands down my back. Just thinking of it gives me the chills. I hugged myself and wished for a blanket. I wanted the blanket that my mother made for me when I was a baby. Speaking of babies...

I wanted to lean against something. My lower back was killing me. Probably from my fall. I mean, thrown back by those blasted puppets. What did they want anyway? Where were Owen and Anita? Did they take them? Did those dolls kidnap them? Where did they take them? I could only imagine.

My eyes darted around the gym as sweat poured down my face. Was I next? Were they planning to kidnap me next? Was it their footsteps that I was hearing? Gosh. I prayed that was not the case. I whimpered and covered my ears as tears trickled down my face. I did not desire those dummies to harm me. It could not be the end for me. It just could not be.

I guess that I could not take it because...I fainted. I fell back with my arms and legs spread out and was lost in the darkness. The darkness of my mind.

Would something happen to me while I was out? I will say that I had a strange dream.

My eyes finally opened. I was not in pain like before. It felt good not being in pain. By the way, I dreamt this. I was not fully awake yet. Though, I did not feel like that I was dreaming. Dreams seem real to us. Too real. And when we wake up, depending on if we recall said weird dreams, we will say, "Did that actually happen?"

My dream was different. I know. Not all dreams will be the same because dreams are unique. But they can also turn into a nightmare. Like mine was about to. If only I knew what I got myself into. There was no going back.

The floor that I was lying on was not the gym one. This one was more comfortable. It was a blue carpet. A long carpet that stretched from one end to the other. All the walls were as white as snow. A lightbulb hung from the ceiling and prevented the darkness from touching me.

It was not until I sat up that I realized that I was in this hall. It was short and narrow, but a hall nevertheless. I felt pain in the back of my head and rubbed the area. It was not as bad as before. Maybe if I got my mind off it, it would go away. The pain would finally leave me.

I scrambled to my feet and dusted off my clothes. Then I massaged the side of my neck and looked at what was in front of me. A wooden staircase. I strolled close to it and examined it. It was not in the best shape. I did not even know if I could climb it. I was scared that it would not take my weight. There were no railings, so it would be a challenge. To make matters worse, it had these big holes. It took me a few seconds to realize that those are where steps once were. Some were missing.

"Here goes nothing," I mumbled. I held my breath and ascended the stairs.

I took my time up said steps, careful to not get my legs stuck between them. I sighed happily and grabbed my shirt when I reached the top. You cannot imagine how I felt. Or maybe you do. I thought that I was heading to the attic. And I was correct. I was in an attic.

Now the question was...whose house was I in? Was I in an abandoned house? Dreams are strange at times, but little did I know that mine was far from a dream.

There was enough room for me to walk around. Thank gosh. I did not want to get on my hands and knees and crawl like a baby. Speaking of babies...

I scanned the attic, taking in these new surroundings. I did not know why, but I suddenly had an awful feeling. My gut was telling me that I should not be here. Sweat poured down my face. I tugged on my fingers while my legs quivered. I did not know what to do now. Should I listen to my gut? Should I leave the house and not look back?

Before I could reach a decision, I heard something. No. Someone. Light illuminated from a single lightbulb, so I could see who it was. I gasped when I saw her. Saw a girl handcuffed to a pipe. Her mouth was not covered, so she could speak. She was a pretty thing. As pretty as my sister. Lucky ducks.

I walked closer to her. "Who are you?"

"There is no time to tell you who I am," the girl replied. "You need to free me. Please. Before they return."

"Who are you talking about?"

Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Forlot: Welcome to the Dummy House - Book Forty-OneWhere stories live. Discover now