Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Jack rested the glass on a small table before massaging the bridge of his nose. The dummy jumped off the step and asked what he was doing. He replied, "Goodness. I am rubbing my nose. What else does it look like?"

"Ah. I thought that you were frustrated."

"I am frustrated!" He clasped his hands together. "I am frustrated, okay? I am so frustrated that I..." He looked at me and jabbed a finger in my chest. "...I can turn her into a doll!"

I staggered back and glanced at my legs, trying to keep my balance. I could not fall. Not now. I was so shocked that I could not do anything, let alone stand back up. It was unbearable. I could not even think straight. I put a hand on my chest and fought back tears. Why did Jack jab me in my chest? Why was he frustrated?

What confused me the most was...why was he claiming that he can turn me into some doll? I shut my eyes and prayed that he was not crazy. He was messing with me. That is all. Maybe he was so frustrated that he was just spitting out words. He said the first words that came to mind. It had to be turning me into a doll.

Who are you kidding, Janice? That is not random. Like you said, something is up. Rosalie lied. Jack states that he can transform me into a doll. This dummy is friends with Jack. I needed to know what was going on. I had a right to know. I am Jack's neighbor after all.

I looked at the puppet, and then back at Jack. "Jack," I said sternly. "Jack, I need to know - now."

Jack was straightening out his suit. "What do you want to know, Janice?"

I narrowed my eyebrows. "You know exactly what I am talking about. The truth. The truth is what I seek."

"I figured it as much. And I figure that you have tons of questions."

"That I do, starting with...what the crub are you hiding from me? From the neighbors? From the town?"

The doll finally released my wrist. "Have your mates at school told you about this house? 'Cause it is clear that they did not."

"Give Janice a break," Jack said. "She is the new kid on the block. Her family just moved here. Janice is a good person. It would be unfair."

The puppet raised a wooden hand, signaling for him to stop. "I get it. I get it. You do not want such an angel - if you want to call her that - to end up like the others."

"'Others'?" I repeated. I threw up my hands. "I deserve an explanation! Can either of you tell me what the crub you are hiding?!"

Jack took both of my hands into his. "It is best if I...we show you. Showing is better than telling. After taught me that."

"I did? I do not remember."

He brought me back to the red couch and sat down. He forced me to do the same and released my hands. Then he massaged the bridge of his nose again and muttered something under his breath. I grabbed the edge of said couch and breathed heavily. My muscles tensed. I kept my eyes on him. I could not make out his muttering, so I asked what he said. I hoped that he would tell, and he did. He said that he was not crazy.

I brushed back my hair and laid my hands on my belly. "That is a relief to hear because I..."

"You what? You can tell me."

I looked at my hands and twiddled my thumbs. "Um...I have a crush on you." I shut my eyes tight. "I admit it. I have a crush on you."

Jack scooted closer to me. "Janice. How long have you had a crush on me?"

"From the moment that we met. You are attractive and handsome and...the man of any lady's dreams. The guy of my dreams."

He crossed his arms. "So you find me attractive. Gee, I would never have guessed."

I opened my eyes. "B-but what I love more is how kind and gentle you are."

"You think that I am...kind and gentle?"

"Of course. I am just stunned that you do not have that special someone."

"You mean a girlfriend?"


He took my hand once again. "I did have a girlfriend. I had plenty of girlfriends...but they were all imperfect."

"What is wrong with imperfection? It is what makes us special."

"Not that type of imperfection, Janice. The ladies acted like your sister."

"Like Alexis?"


"If you do not mind me many did you go through? How many ladies did you go through?"

"I told you that I would show you the secret."

"Then what are we waiting for? Lead the way."

He hesitated. "...may I put a blindfold on you?"

I tilted my head to the side. "Why do you want to put a blindfold on me? Do you not trust me?"

"I do trust you. I trust you more than you realize. I just do not think that you trust me."

"Will you lead me to my demise?"

"Never. I would never want anything bad to happen to you."

I put my hand on his cheek. "Then let me see where we are going."

"As you wish."

I concentrated on breathing as I followed Jack upstairs and down the hall. Something about this hall stood out to me. It took me a few seconds to realize why. I was in my dream. I was not dreaming. The hall looked exactly like the one from my dream.

It was a coincidence...right?

We reached the end, and I looked up at the ceiling and gasped. An attic door. Just like the one from my dream that I...went in.

What was up there?

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