Chapter Ten

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I knew that he would take a liking to her looks. It is no different. All the boys at our school took a liking to her looks. Meanwhile, they viewed me as a freak. Little did they realize who was the better girl. But I did not think that he would fall in love with her. I could not see Jack with Alexis. They have no chemistry, and that is saying something.

I watched as Jack handed Olive over to me and bowed. He acted as if she were queen. I balled my fists. I could feel my fury boiling. I wanted to intervene. I wanted to jump between them and warn Jack. He is too good of a guy to be with a witch like her. He should be with a girl

I wanted to slap myself for suggesting that. Jack needs to be with a lady who meets his requirements. She has to be attractive and thin - thin like a twig - and wearing clothes that show her skin. She should be smart too. A shame that I am not the ideal girl. But I frankly do not care. I would rather be me. I do not care if I have some boyfriend. I need no man.

But Alexis needs therapy.

I held Olive close to me and tugged on Jack's suit. "Uh, Jack? Can I talk to you for a minute or two?"

Jack did not pay any attention to me. He was acting as if I did not exist. He kissed the top of her hand and was looking into her eyes. I could tell that they were falling in love with each other. Alexis loved him because of his looks. Jack loved her because...who knows? I looked at Olive, and then back at them. I tugged on my shirt and could feel the tears. My heart was shattered. Shattered into pieces. The one guy that I liked, and he was taken. Alexis had to take him away from me. I wanted to give her a piece of my mind. I wanted to humiliate Alexis in front of Jack. I...I wanted to make her pay!

I sighed. I could not do that. I could not do any of that. It is not me. I am not the kind of person to get revenge on anyone, especially my older sister. I could not stoop to her level.

"I guess that Olive and I will leave you lovebirds alone. Hope that you enjoy yourselves." I shed a tear.

My sister put away her lipstick and mirror. "It is about time that you saw the light. Jack and I will be together. We will be together forever."

Jack let go of her hand and faced me. "Janice, please."

I frowned. "So now you want my attention."

"I am sorry, Janice. I—"

I raised my hand, signaling for him to shut up. "You do not have to explain. I understand perfectly what is up." I lowered my hand and wiped away my tear. "I will just give you two some privacy." I started back to the house with Olive's head on my shoulder.

Olive whimpered and waved to him. "Goodbye."

"Not goodbye." He caught up to me and grabbed ahold of my wrist. "Do not say goodbye. Please. I do not want you and Olive to go so soon." He slid his hand in mine. "If only you knew. If only you knew the truth."

He released my hand as I spun around.

"What truth?" I asked. "What are you talking about?"

He grasped my shoulders and lowered his voice. "Kids like you should never enter the Dummy House."

"'Dummy House'? I have never heard of that."

"And you will stay far away from it. Nobody must enter the Dummy House."

"What is the Dummy House?"

"An old house filled with these dolls and dummies. But not just any dolls and dummies. They are living."


A grin spread across his face. "Yes. They walk and talk like us humans. And if you are worried that they are all evil, do not be. They are good - and have just one thing in mind."

"What is that?"

"They want revenge. They desire revenge on those who did them wrong."

Alexis could not stop talking for the rest of the day. My gosh. I wish that I threw something at her face to make her shut the heck up. She loves getting on my nerves. I wish that we were not related. I wish that she was not a part of this family. Wish that she was not my or Olive's sister. I just wish that she would go away.

It was the next day. My first day of school. I was ready. I hoped that I would find an attractive man who would be my friend. Then Alexis and I would be even. All that I had to do was to locate the perfect guy. The issue was Jack. No matter how hard I tried, I could not forget the guy. He was perfect in my eyes. With his black suit and short, brown hair and glassy eyes.

Glassy eyes? He does not have glassy eyes. Janice, you are so dumb. His eyes are not glassy. They sparkle. His eyes always sparkle when you gaze into them. It is as if you are being hypnotized.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I accidentally entered the wrong room. It was the gym. I gasped and lifted up my head. Two kids around my age were on a stage and putting up a beautiful banner. They were on either side and balancing on ladders.

"Careful, Owen," the girl said. "I would like us to finish before lunchtime. We do not have all day."

Owen seemed like that he was scared to be up there. "I do not know if I can do this."

"I believe in you!"

He leaned back - and fell off the ladder.

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