Chapter Thirty-Two

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I woke up to the sounds of footsteps. My eyes fluttered open as I groaned. Not one part of me was not hurting. My chest hurt the most. I must have fallen on my belly when I leapt out the window. It took me a few seconds to remember that the window was not open. I broke it. I shattered the glass - but did not have a cut. I brought my hands to my face - and screamed.

My hands were wooden. They were made from wood.

I was flabbergasted. I could not be a doll. I escaped the Dummy House. I escaped with Alexis. The cops should have seen me and called the hospital. I should be at the hospital. A neighbor must have heard or noticed me. It is difficult to not notice a person on the ground. I must be seeing things. My hands were not wooden. I was not trapped in the Dummy House.

I heard a voice. I never wanted to hear that voice again for as long as I lived. "Finally. You are awake, my dear. I thought that you would never wake up."

It came from my left. I squeezed my fingers and shook. I wanted to run. Run as far away from him as possible. But I was not human anymore. I was a doll. A helpless doll. I had no clue how to use my wooden legs. All that I could do was beg for mercy. I did not dare look at the scumbag. I did not want to see his evil eyes. His creepy grin.

" turned me into a doll," I choked out. "Y-you said that you would not harm me."

"You did this to yourself, Janice. You left me no choice. I could not let you fall to your death. You are too pretty for death. But if you survived...I could not let you go in the world and tell people your discovery. You would be as bad as those whom I punish."

"Let...let me go. Please. I will not tell anybody. I swear. I just want to go home."

Jack stroked my hair. "But you are home. Home sweet home. This attic is where you will be - forever. But you will not be on this shelf forever. You are free to explore and can play with the others. I am sure that your sister is glad to see you. A shame that Olive will have nobody to play with. She will grow up alone."

Tears blocked my vision when he mentioned Olive. My fault. It was my fault that her life was ruined. If I never came here...if I never let Jack in my heart...I would not be in this situation. I would not be a doll. I tried gazing out the window. It is difficult with a wooden head. The cops had to be out there. I wanted them to rescue me. I wanted to bang on the window and scream. But I could not. Not because said window was broken. It was okay. It was like that I never jumped out it.

"How can that be?" I asked.

"How can what be?" Jack said. "Tell me, Janice. Seeing that we will be roommates - or more - I need you to tell me everything about you. I want you to be comfortable here."

I forgot all about said window and clenched my teeth. I could not believe the words tumbling out of his mouth. I am not a doll whom you can play with. I am a human being. I have a soul. I have feelings and a life. A family. I guess that Jack does not care about family. He will do whatever it takes to keep his secret...a secret.

I clasped my hands in my lap and looked at them. "You will not make me comfortable no matter what. You can give me everything that I want. It will never work."

He stroked my cheek. "You know what will never work, Janice? Ah. Janice. I love that name. Soothes my heart whenever I hear it. A perfect name."

"It would soothe your heart - if you had one!"

"I do have a heart for you. I will take extra good care of you. I promise. My buddies and I will protect you."

My blood was boiling - if I had blood. I finally faced my captor. "I wanna go home! I wanna be with my parents and Olive! They miss me!"

Jack patted my head as if I were his dog. "Your parents will move on with their lives. They will be alright. They will forget you and Alexis."

"They will never forget me or Alexis! They love us!"

"You do not know them as well as I do. I love you more than they ever will. I will give you the world."

I crossed my wooden arms. "How can I have the world when I am not allowed to leave the attic?"

He clapped. A globe appeared next to me. Now I felt as if I were in a classroom. I wish. I pushed the globe, and it fell off the shelf and onto the floorboards. I wanted it to break. I wanted to anger Jack. As long as he kept me a prisoner, I would be a troublemaker. I prayed that he would kick me out. There was a chance that Jack could kill me. I did not want to die. I did not want to be a doll either. There had to be a way out without death.

Jack scooped me up and cradled me in his arms. "Awe. Did anybody ever tell you how beautiful you are in this form?"

I ignored him and buried my head in my hands.

"I know what will make you happy."

"The only thing that will make me happy is my family."

"What if I told you that you can meet your baby sister? She meet you."

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