Chapter 1

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Sofia's pov: i'm hanging out with my friends after school at my house because my house for some reason is the hang out spot i guess. my friends in my group are mike, Justine, josh, mia, jenna, and kevin . Kevin's my boyfriend we've been dating for about nine months now. i'm happy with him, but i don't really see a future happening with him. like yea it's good right now, but he's not someone i see in my future. his best friends are josh and justine, and justine and i were best friends so that's how we met. ever since i started dating kevin my relationship with justine kinda separated, kevin's kinda controlling and for the past couple of weeks justine and i barely talk outside of group hang outs anymore.
Kevin: annie let's throw a party friday.
Sofia: where here?
Kevin: yea why not, your parents would be chill with it.
Sofia: yea, but pia's gonna be here.
Kevin: have her sleepover her friends house.
i don't wanna force my little sister out of her own house, especially when i don't really even wanna have a party.
Sofia: uh i'll see
Kevin: you'll see?
Sofia: yea, i'm not just gonna throw a party without having everything planned out.
Kevin: you're to much of a worry wart just throw the party, it's not that hard.
Sofia: uh okay
Kevin: mike let's go on the trampoline
him and everyone besides justine and mia run to the trampoline. things between justine and i are kinda awkward but they shouldn't be. he walks into my kitchen.
Mia: sofia you need to drop him
Sofia: you always say that
Mia: and i will continue to until you two break up. he treats you terribly
Sofia: no he doesn't.
Mia: he just barked at you like you were a servant, and if you don't think you deserve better you're delusional.
Sofia: he makes me happy.
Mia: you've told yourself that lie so many times, you're even thinking it's the truth.
Sofia: it's not a lie
Mia: then do you love him?
Sofia: what?
Mia: do you love him?
i've never really thought about it, but no i don't love kevin. the only love i have towards him is friendship wise. i like him a lot, but love is way to strong.
Mia: it's been nine months sofia, you should know the answer to this.
Sofia: i invited you over to hang out, not relationship
everyone walks back from outside and comes and sits on the couch.
Kevin: sofia why didn't you come?
Sofia: my ankle hurts a bit from practice and I didn't wanna hurt it anymore.
Kevin: everything is practice with you.
Sofia: yea, it makes me happy.
Kevin: yea, and you make me happy.
Sofia: oh my gosh stop.
I start to blush and I look over at mia rolling her eyes and pretending to throw up.
Kevin: lets go for a walk.
Sofia: where?
Kevin: anywhere, I just wanna spend time with you.
Sofia: okay.
He grabs my hand and we walk towards the door.

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