Chapter 15

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Julia's pov: today's the day i'm gonna get my revenge on sofia for making mia turn against me. since she took my best friend i'm gonna take hers. she can wave bye bye to justine. the thing is i'm just not close to him whatsoever so i have to try my best to act like someone he'd be friends with. we have phycology together with kevin. i forced myself to make it to class early so i can talk with him before kevin comes because that's a big part of my plan.
Julia: hey justine
Justine: oh hi julianna
Julia: julianna? sound so prestigious just call me julia.
Justine: okay haha
Julia: anyways how have you been?
Justine: i've seen better days, but i mean i'm alive so how bad can things really be
Julia: senior quote
Justine: haha, how have you been.
Julia: okay, i did some things that i regret but i mean i can't change the past so i'm just trying to focus on the present.
Justine: that makes sense, no point on focusing on things you can't change.
Julia: that's what i'm trying to go by, but it's still hard remembering the bad things you did.
Justine: yea well just try and work them out and then move on from them
Julia: huh, never thought about that. you're really easy to talk to.
Justine: oh well thank you
this dude is so oblivious, i'm playing him like a fiddle haha
Julia: i might be a little bold for asking this, but do you wanna hang out sometime?
Justine: yea sure. where?
Julia: uhm how about my house friday night
Justine: sweet
i walk back to my seat and i see kevin looking over at justine and i from across the room. everything's going according to plan.
Sofia's pov: we're on our way to lunch and justine completely confused me this morning. like i don't understand what any of that was so i need to talk to him about it.
Sofia: justine can we talk for a minute
Justine: i guess
Sofia: you guys go we'll catch up
Mia: okay see ya
they walk away and i turn back to him
Sofia: why are you so mad at me?
Justine: no reason
Sofia: so you're mad at me for no reason
Justine: no
Sofia: i'm confused let's take two steps back. are you mad at me?
Justine: no
Sofia: okay we will pretend that's true, actually no we won't. why are you mad?
Justine: .....
Sofia: if you don't tell me i won't know
Justine: fine you wanna know so bad? Kevin
Sofia: kevin?
Justine: yes kevin
Sofia: why?
Justine: why? Sofia you got back together with the guy that cheated on you for something stupid. i was with you watching you cry that night and i've been with you this entire time. and yet you still don't understand.
Kevin's pov: i'm waiting at the lunch table and everyone strolls in besides Sofia and justine.
Kevin: where is sofia and justine?
Mia: they're talking by the gym
Kevin: oh okay i'll be right back
i walk towards the gym and see them talking and justine is talking loud.
Justine: why? annie you got back together with the guy that cheated on you for something stupid. i was with you watching you cry that night and i've been with you this entire time. and yet you still don't understand.
Sofia: he is your best friend why are you talking about him like that?
Justine: i'm not talking bad about him, i'm telling you that you deserve someone better than him.
he doesn't want sofia with me. i walk over and interrupt their conversation.
Kevin: says the one who is going on a date with julianna.
Sofia: you're going on a date with Julia and you're mad that i got back together with kevin.
Justine: it's not-
Sofia: save it justine, you make no sense. i can't go back to the guy who cheated on me, but you can date the girl who he cheated with.

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