Chapter 5

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Sofia's pov: it's two days later and kevin hasn't said one word to me. i've been texting him to try and work things out, but he's not responding. i guess i'll just give him his space until he's ready to talk. but he should be ready since he showed us to my house for the party.
i look over my shoulder and I see kevin and julia dancing together. it doesn't really bothered me because i've never been a clingy girlfriend, it weird me out. i just hope he doesn't do anything with her. i see mia walk in and immediately i walk over to her.
Sofia: oh my gosh this is crazy
Mia: why did you have a party then, you knew it'd be like this.
Sofia: i did it for kevin
Mia: you need to stop worrying about him and worry about yourself.
Sofia: that doesn't seem like an issue anymore he totally hates me
Mia: you lucked out with that one.
Sofia: mia! why cant you ever just be supportive.
Mia: i am and do support you, it's just i know he's all wrong for you.
Sofia: it doesn't seem like it
she changes the subject super fast
Mia: look there's justine
i didn't know he came, because i didn't see him with any of our friends
Sofia: please don't call him ov-
Mia: hey justine over here !
she's always does the most, he walks over to us
Justine: hey guys
Mia: hey, how are you?
Justine: i'm doing fine i guess, what's up?
Mia: do you know where conor is?
Justine: yea out in the backyard
Mia: okay see ya sofi
Sofia: you're just gonna leave me like that?
Mia: justines here. byeee
she walks away, and it's so awkward between justine and i
Justine: i'm gonna go to the bathroom.
and he just walks upstairs, pafter that i have no idea where kevin and julia went. they probably went to the back yard.
this party is honestly getting out of hand there are so many people here and they're jumping into my pool from the roof and if something happens to them my parents are liable and it scares me considering they aren't here.
i go upstairs to call pia because whenever she sleeps over a friends house i always need to check on her. she's my baby sister and i need to make sure she's okay. i walk towards my room and hear someone say my name.
?: you need to tell sofia or I will , she deserves so much better than this.
Who is he talking to and who is he?
Kevin: justine calm down, you don't need to say anything you won't risk your bestfriend happiness and hurt her.
I can tell the voice is Kevin.
Justine: is she even my bestfriend anymore?
Kevin: justine were bestfriend don't say anything.
Justine: so you just cheat on her and expect me to let you get away with it.
I walk over to the room and pop my head in the doorway and kevin has his shirt off next to Julia and justine looks shocked to see me.
Sofia: so much for loving me right?
Kevin: sofi-
Kevin: put your clothes on and get out of my house.

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