𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑 ~ 𝐎𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐒𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐞

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[(𝒴/𝓃)'𝓈 𝒫𝒪𝒱]


"Shit! Shit! Shit!"

You were late. It was 8:25 am and your class started in 5 minutes. You frantically hopped around your room throwing together an outfit that maybe wouldn't look like you had just woken up. You found a pair of light-wash ripped jeans, a baby pink tank top, and your boyfriend's black sweatshirt. If getting dressed was an Olympic sport, you were sure you would have beaten a record. 

As you ran out of your room, slinging your backpack onto your shoulders, you found your roommate standing in the kitchen with a mug of coffee in his hands.

"'Samu! You were supposed to wake me up! " you huffed as you poured your coffee into a travel mug. Normally, if you were going to be late to class, Osamu would bang on your door till you got up and told him to stop. It was more fun for him than it was for you.

"I thought ya were up. I heard a sound after yer alarm went off so I figured ya were up and just skippin' class today," you grumbled at his response.

"Yeah not skipping class thank you very much," you mumbled under your breath.

"Heard that!" Osamu said as you made your way to the door. "No, you didn't! Bye!" you quickly responded as you left for your class.

"Yeah bye. And drink yer coffee so yer nicer."

"Mean!" you said with faux anger as you closed the door to you and Osamus's apartment. 


You opened the door to your class which to your dismay everyone seemed to notice. You were 15 minutes late. "Great," you thought as you walked further into the room.

"Good morning Ms. (l/n). How nice of you to join us this morning." Said your professor, his words heavy with annoyance and sarcasm.

You politely smiled and made your way up to your seat which was currently being used for someone's backpack.

"Sorry, it seems as though your bag is in my seat. Could you move it?"

"Oh, yeah sorry my bag needs this seat more than you do. Plus it was here on time." The person replied.

Soon, both of you began to laugh at your little joke as he moved his bag for you to sit down. "So, why are you late today? Hm?" his grayish-yellow eyes peering into yours.

"Well, I was working on a project till 3 am that my partner just cannot bring himself to do," you said with faux annoyance.

"Well, maybe your partner is just really busy doing other things? And sleeps at a reasonable time?" he responded mimicking your tone.

"Seriously Rin, work on the damn project. We're both almost failing this class!" you whisper shouted.

"I will. I will. Eventually." you shot him a glare. "Fine. Fine. Tonight. You can even come over and watch me work on it if that'll make you happy."

"It would but... I'm kinda busy tonight." you looked at him with sympathy. It wasn't that you didn't want to hang out with Suna, it was just that you had plans with your boyfriend tonight. Plus, you and Suna saw each other every day as you had almost every class together. I wasn't necessarily by design but you both had similar interests, therefore, took the same classes. 

"But, I can hang out with my favorite side hoe tomorrow and then maybe you." you joked, lightly elbowing his side.

"I'm your only side hoe." he retorted returning your action.

"I don't know. I mean if Osamu keeps cooking me dinner every night-"

"Only side hoe." he cut you off.

You continued your usual conversation throughout class not really paying any attention to whatever your professor was talking about. It made you happy that even after all these years, Suna was always there, even now.


Finally, it was time for your favorite class: psychology. It wasn't just your favorite because of the content and that it was your last class of the day. Nope. It was your favorite because it was the only class that you, Suna, Osamu, and Kita had together.

You and Suna walked in to find Osamu already setting down. An array of objects occupying the three seats surrounding him so that no one would take your spots. You and Suna sat down; Suna setting in the middle of you and Osamu, leaving the seat next to you for Kita.

Just as class was about to start, you felt a pair of strong warm arms around your neck and a soft pair of lips press a short kiss to your temple.

"Hi, baby." Kita cooed as he took his seat beside you.

"Hi Shin," you replied, taking his hand in yours.

"You look pretty today," he said as he rubbed circles with his thumb on your hand. You stifled a laugh.

"I look like I got dressed in two minutes and ran out the door." He laughed. Even if you hadn't showered in weeks and crawled from the literal garbage, Kita would still say you looked pretty. He loved you so much.

"I would have never known. But that sweatshirt looks perfect on you." A small laugh escapes your lips as heat spread to your cheeks. No matter how long the two of you had been dating, he always made you blush. You loved him so much.

Forbidden Desire [Suna.R x fem!reader x Kita.S]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant