1. Get out of my face

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I looked at him disgust. Luca Reed. I've hated him for so long. Since year 7. I'm currently year 11 and I can't escape him. I walked into my math class and saw I was in a seating plan. I scanned the board and found my name next to, you guessed it, Luca. I groaned and went to sit down.

"Sup babe." he said with a smirk.

"Don't call me babe Luca." I growled and rolled my eyes. He called me babe all the time because he knew it annoyed me.

"Chillax Karm, what's your issue?" he asked, still smirking. I turned to face him and I gave him the biggest death stare. He stopped smiling and turned away.

"Great, how long will I be sitting here." I thought to myself. I looked behind me and saw my two friends Millie and Bianca. They were sitting next to each other, lucky. Millie giggled.

"Already hate it girl?" She asked.

"You know it" I said miserably. I turned back around to face the front and got my math book and my pencil case out.

"Oi, can I borrow a pen?" Luca said snatching mine of the desk. I looked at him and I was about to snap but it wasn't worth it. Instead I nodded slowly.

After the lesson was done I went to my next class. Again, Luca was in my class but he had other girl friends so he left me alone. I watched him as he talked about something. He always got so excited when he talked and it kinda made me laugh.

What the heck, Karmen don't EVER laugh at him unless its making fun of him. I told myself as I wiped the smile off my face. He kept looking over at me and it was getting annoying. I knew he was talking about me, I just didn't know what he was saying. He started laughing and I snapped.

"LUCA REED, STOP LAUGHING AT ME I SWEAR TO GOD GET A LIFE YOU ANNOYING PRICK!" I yelled at him before stomping out of the class. The whole class went silent as my teacher followed me out and lectured me. I didn't care, I needed to get away from Luca before I hit him.


Finally Recess came and I ran to my best friend Millie and told her what happened. She has shipped us so badly half the time I shouldn't complain. She laughed as she pointed behind me. I turned around quickly and groaned.

"I don't get it, why does he keep following me?!" I sighed.

"Bitch" he called out to me before laughing and kicked his footy. I don't know why but I got kinda upset. I mean we always said that to each other but it actually hurt this time. Millie looked at me and pulled me to her group. I saw my friends Jayde and her skanky boyfriend Declan. They were always touching I stg. I also hated Declan but that's a whole another story.

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