3. it's my birthday

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY KARMEN!!!" my best friend Millie yelled as she ran up to me and gave me a hug.
"You're finally 16!!" she exclaimed. I smiled at her and gave her another hug. We walked to our group and saw my other friends. They all said happy birthday and I left for class.

"Have you seen Luca today?" I asked Millie quietly. She looked at me and smiled.

"Why do you care?" she asked. I shrugged as mumbled. She gave me a scary look and then laughed.

"I don't know, something happened the other day, it was kinda cool." i said.
I told her what happened and she got really excited. She kept teasing me about him all lesson.

We went to recess and Luca hung out on the oval again. He came up to me and playfully punched my arm.

"Happy birthday Karmen, I hope you have a good day cutie." he said winking.
Millie looked at me and I could tell she was screaming inside. I blushed a little and smiled.

"Thanks Luca." i said.
Millie screamed and I laughed. We finally ended up laughing together until we were out of breath.

"Millie, Luca is so confusing, one day he's really rude and the next he's really nice, like yesterday he burnt me then he was being really nice." I said sighing.

"He so likes you, and maybe you like him. There's only one way to find out Karm, make a move or something." she suggested.
I shrugged. I seriously can't imagine being with Luca. I've hated him for as long as i can remember and he aggravates me.

I'm in all his classes and it's terrible, it's like the universe wants us together for some reason. Stupid universe. I'm really confused, maybe I do like him, but I don't think he likes me, and that's what hurts.

Luca Reed, what are you doing to me?

(Author's Note: heyy whoever's reading this, I hope it's good so far, sorry this chapters a bit short but it's all coming together soon. In your opinion, what should their first date be? In the future ofc hehe.)

- Kam <3

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