7. Thinking of You

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Luca's POV
I was sitting looking at my girlfriend. She's really pretty but she's not Karmen. Karmen is different, she's not like the other girls i've dated or liked. She makes me actually feel happy and I genuinely like her.

"Lukey what are you thinking about?" Georgie asked nosily. I snapped back into reality and looked at her.

"Nothing don't worry baby." I said. She kept being pushy and wouldn't get over it. I got up and left. She was seriously annoying me.
We've only been dating for a couple of weeks and I seriously regret it. I'm about ready to break up with her.

"LUKEY WHERE ARE YOU GOING? YOU CANT WALK OUT OF CLASS!" she yelled behind me. I didn't care, I needed to find Karmen.

When it was lunch I walked to the oval to look for Karmen. I found her hugging Jack and I got upset. I really like Karmen, I just don't know how to tell her properly. Every time I try give hints it doesn't work and she probably hates me now.

Karmen's POV:

"Luca's over there Karm, go talk to him." Josh said slightly pushing me away. I shook my head but he kept pushing me.

"Fine." I huffed. I really didn't want to talk to him.
I walked over and scoffed.

"Hi Luca, what do you want?"

"Karmen I'm sorry, I shouldn't of snapped at you and upset you. Can you forgive me?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

"No Luca, I meant what I said, and besides you don't need me, you've got your clingy girlfriend who is just as bitchy as you are." I said walking off.

Luca's POV:

Did you see that? She just walked off. What? No. No one walks away from me. I was going to chase after her but I stopped myself, and Georgie came over.

"Lukey what are you doing?" She asked. I rolled my eyes, I didn't wanna talk to her either.

"Nothing bro, I'm just looking at my mates." She looked at me concerned.

"You're looking at Karmen." she said
Shit, she caught me.

"No baby I wasn't, let's just go cmon." I said pulling her hand. I looked behind me and saw Karmen looking at me sadly. I think she's just as upset as I am.

All day I kept thinking about her. Why exactly? I have no idea. I really thought by getting with Georgie would make me get over Karmen and make her jealous, but she did that to me. I thought she liked me but she's dating my best friend? She definitely hates me.

I think I need to stop thinking about her. I hate her.

Karmen's POV:

I thought about what I said. Was I mean? I didn't think it would upset him that much. But it upset me too. I love Jack, I really do, but he's not Luca. Luca's different and I like him. Alot. I didn't even know that was possible. But he's moved on. I need to move on too. I'm gonna stop thinking about him. I have to pretend I hate him.

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