6. Moving on

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TW: strong language
I had to move on, and to do that I needed to find someone else. Josh, Josh Langers. Luca's best friend. We're good mates and have been for a while, why not get with him.
"Hi Josh." I said walking over to him. He was playing footy but he stopped as soon as he heard my voice.

"Karm!, hey how ya been?" he asked. I smiled at him and whispered to him.
"I like you Josh, do you like me?" i asked. We've always talked about if one of us gets heartbroken, we'll tell the other and kinda date. Not officially but you know.

"Of course Karm, come here." he said pulling me into a hug. Luca saw and got pissed.

"What the fuck Karmen? You're seriously tryna get with my best friend? You're such a whore." he said angrily

"You know what Luca? I'm seriously sick of you. You're so rude and I really can't be bothered with your shit. Josh is actually nice and respects me and I'm so glad we're dating. So fuck you Luca Reed." I said pushing him out the way with Josh following behind me.

"So tell me what happened? Why does Luca hate you even more?" Josh said.

"He's always hated me Josh, something happened I guess and I shut him down. His other friends were being rude and I just needed to get over him. It's no big deal." I sighed.

He just looked at me upset. Did I say something wrong?

"What Josh?"

"He likes you Karm" he blurted out.
I looked at him with wide eyes. No way Luca likes me.

"No he doesn't." I said shutting him down.
"He has a girlfriend and he quite literally just had a go at me, he does not like me." He just shook his head and continued walking.

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