9. The Breakup

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Luca's POV:

"You know what Georgie! I'm so sick of this. We are so done! This isn't working and you're too clingy and I just can't handle that." I said running my hands through my hair. This relationship started good but she's too clingy and I like Karmen.

"You don't mean that Luca, you love me." she said.

"I don't, I'm sorry but you're not my favourite person right now and I can't be bothered with you. You're a real bitch and you're so rude to everyone." I finally said before walking to Josh.

"Damn bro, you good?" He asked almost giggling. I gave him a stern look at shook my head.

"Nah bro, just broke up with Georgie, who knew she is so clingy." He said. Josh laughed and turned to Karmen and signalled for her to come where we were.

"Hey Josh, Luca." She said quietly. I smiled at her and she blushed a little.

"Where's your girlfriend?" She said.

"Just broke up with her." I said smirking. She blushed even more but tried it play it cool. I think me and Karmen are okay now. We haven't argued since yesterday, which isn't that good but still.

"Oh, I'm sorry." she added.

"I'm not." I then said which made her smile even more. God she's so cute when she smiles. I wish she'd do that more often.

"Anyways, got a footy game, gotta go." I said then turned to Karmen.

"You don't wanna come watch do you?" I said.

"Y-you want me t-to come?" she said, her little stutter is so cute.

"Yea cmon." I said winking at Josh. She smiled and followed me.

Karmen's POV:

We walked all the way to the park where his footy game was being held. We talked about anything and everything. It was actually kinda nice. We stopped for a second before I felt something touch my hand. I looked down and saw his hand holding mine. I looked back up at him and blushed. Luca Reed was holding my hand.

"You're cute when you blush." He said rubbing my finger.

I giggled but couldn't say anything. He was giving me butterflies and I couldn't help it.

"Cmon, I'm gonna be late." he said pulling my hand walking faster.

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