10. The Confession

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It was half way through his rugby game when I saw my best friend Millie and her boyfriend Harry.

"Heyyy how's it going?" She asked sitting next to me.

"I'm goodddd how are you?" I replied back. She nodded and pointed to Luca.

"He's really good isn't he?"
"Yeah, he's cool"
"He held my hand." I said giggling

She looked at me shocked.

"HE DID WHAT?!" She said excitedly.
I told her about us walking to his game together and him holding my hand. She was so happy it was unreal.

Luca was actually doing really well. He's really good at kicking goals and tackling. He's so hot when he tackles. It was the last quarter and Luca walked over to me because his water bottle was next to me.

"You're actuals so good Luca." I said looking up at him.

"Thank you, I try." he said chuckling.

"CMON BOYS LAST QUARTER LETS GO!" Their coach yelled and Luca turned to walk but stopped.

"If I get the last goal, I'm taking you out on a date Karmen." He said then walking off.

I smiled to myself. I wished he got that last goal.

Luca won his footy game which means he's taking me on a date. I can't wait.

"DID YOU SEE THAT? I SCORED THE LAST GOAL!!!" He said jumping excitedly.

He was so happy it was adorable.

"Can I kiss you Karmen?" He asked. I blushed like a crazy before nodding.

Before I knew it I was kissing Luca Reed.

"I really like you Karm, do you like me? I know I've been the absolute worst but I hope I haven't ruined it." He said quietly.

"Yeah Luca, I kinda do like you." I replied back.

"I'm taking you out, It's my 17th birthday this weekend and you're coming." He said playing with my hair.

"Okay Luca." I said before he pulled me into a hug. He was taller than me so I just hugged his torso. This is was no nice, us not arguing over something for once. I liked this Luca.

"When can we make it official?" He asked.

"Don't see why we can't do it now." I said giggling. He kissed me again and pulled my hand to walk.

"This is nice Karmen." He said.

"Yeah, it is." I replied.

Luca saw his mum ready to take him home and kissed me goodbye before leaving.

It's official, Luca and I are dating. How crazy is that? We went from hating each other to getting together. I mean I'm not complaining, it is nice but it's weird.

I can't wait for our date.

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